Sunday 27th March South Wales to Mid Wales ride out (and back)

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Was at Aber bus station today, LOADS of bikes there including an 07 white & red T that was helping a stricken Triumph ! 300 miles on the clocks & mine mist up:bawling Also I have noticed that I cannot see a level in the coolant expansion tank:eek Does Aprillia use invisable coolant or am I blind ? When I could see the clocks through the misting the temp was about 80C with the fans kicking in at 97C is this ok ? Or am I loosing coolant .
"When I could see the clocks through the misting the temp was about 80C with the fans kicking in at 97C is this ok ?"

I sincerely hope so cos its the same as mine!

The misty clocks thing is ***** though really and if I'd bought my bike new from a dealer I would have been all over his ass and "they all do that" would not have cut the Colemans.
Misty clocks are most irritating maybe pinlock could make a fortune double glazing them !! Temp stuff sounds about the same as mine, i hate the temp gauge on bikes always looking at it in traffic in the summer.

Gilo that bears an uncanny resemblance to you fella. Ps Tyres all nicely scrubbed in now on a lovely 120 mile blast through Chepstow and Gloucester today. What cracking weather. Pilot road 3's were amazing with great grip all round. Good Tyres if Anyones looking for a set
I'm afraid that I am not going to be able to attend on this occasion, I am on standby at work and cannot get anyone to cover for me, apologies all round.
Thats a shame Ash as the weather looks decent for the weekend,

Bay im still up for it, so keep me posted with the meet time , place etc, may have to dust of me alarm clock...
Just checked the weather on my phone and looks like it's going to be an absobloodylutely fantastic day. Sunny with not a cloud in the sky. Let's hope the weather men have got it right

Hmmm, textiles, two piece, or one piece......... Decisions, decisions......
Well i just cant wait myself, The lad who is coming with me on his Triumph has one of them on board video gadgets thingys strapped to his Lid. ( was going to say helmet but that was opening myself up to abuse)
Anybody bothered if he brings it along ? Although last time i recall seeing nothing but the sky and the odd car driver picking his nose.
2 piece for me with my windstopper over as that has pockets an my leathers don't. No problem bringing the helmet cam pinny. Best not look at my lines though as they're *****. Just ask gilo.
Hmmm, textiles, two piece, or one piece......... Decisions, decisions......

Think I'll be mixing - textile jacket and leather trousers. Oh and definitely winter gloves for me. Last time I went on a ride a few weeks back my hands froze using my summer gloves.
always wear my winter gloves. Love them. Don't like my summer gloves at all. Maybe I'll get a diff pair this year.
Much prefer my summer ones for feel as my winter ones are a lot bulkier. However, not quite summer yet. Although I have worn my summer ones a few times lately on the way to work - only about 3 miles.

I've also got another pair of gloves when it is finally summer, m/cross sort of mesh wotsits - wouldn't want to come off in them though!


That's what you need in this country though, loads of kit for our various climates - unless you only ride in summer.

I have:

  • 3 pairs of gloves - winter, summer, mesh-summer
  • 3 pairs of trousers - leather, textile, draggin kevlar jeans
  • 3 jackets - leather, textile, textile mesh (RST Ventilator II -top bit of kit, 3 different linings)
  • 2 pairs of boots - normal leather waterproof, short summer boots.
So pissed I can't make this shindig. Looks like met check is on your side. Enjoy all n keep it shiny side up! Nowt to prove to anyone on the day n you'll all be a different level of rider.
Well i just cant wait myself, The lad who is coming with me on his Triumph has one of them on board video gadgets thingys strapped to his Lid. ( was going to say helmet but that was opening myself up to abuse)
Anybody bothered if he brings it along ? Although last time i recall seeing nothing but the sky and the odd car driver picking his nose.

I bought one at NEC ... never yet been used so this seems like a good chance to try it ... as long as nobody objects?
I bought one at NEC ... never yet been used so this seems like a good chance to try it ... as long as nobody objects?

Bloody hell, could be more cameras than on a film shoot, i feel me video editing skills could be called upon after Sunday.
Tzone premier coming out next week!!! maybee