Its finally give up the Ghost

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Ask really nicely and they might have a battery you could try out :devious

Over night would definately be the way forward :thumbup
haha thats true if they got a battery that would be even easier

what about bump starting it dude or is that a big no no! just thinking if i can get it going i can get some charge back into the battery
If you are going to try the bump start, then please make sure there is someone videoing it for us all :laugh I've never tried bumping the Mille, but I bumped the SB8 before, and it is was a serious bitch to do. The twins tend to lock up the back wheel and just skid. Unless you live at the top of a steep hill of course ;)

Anyway, with your cape and pants, you should be able to run at the speed of light! No such problems for the might of the one, the only, Milleboy! :laugh
taaaaDAaaaa heere i am to save the day!!!!!!

lol right mate im gonna get some shut eye get some energy ready for tomoz

cheers guys for all your help and no doubt ill speak to ya all in the morning
ill keep an eye on all you boys and in return you all pay me 2 squid that should generate enough benjamins to buy a sprag clutch:thumbup
£2 did you not see the link i put up, only been about 6 people on this thread mate. you got that battery charged or you too busy putting pants over tights or ironing your cape? or is it GMTV this morning
TV in the morning pfft id rather have an extra 5 mins sleeping!

im at work mate no rest for the wicked, i dont think im going to be able to get the battery charged till at least tomorrow, might try and bump start it tonight though fingers crossed that will work
Quick one lads just having a scout round some prices on a sprag clutch but which parts in particular do i need, say for example i was searching ebay what would i type in on the search, and before you say it smart ***** ive already tried Sprag Clutch:2finger
you are wise beyond your years, i dont know mate but am thinking its not that, generally you can associate sprag with nasty grinding crunching noises which yours hasnt had, i reckon its the battery. Am working too been here since 7:30 FFS
7.30 :eek2 i was still tucked up like a lamb at that time if that makes you feel any better,

the only noise i can hear bud is the starter spinning its balls off i really pray to god its not the sprag clutch
the quickest way will be to use my dads car charger but im not sure if this will kill the battery is there different types of chargers? or will they all work just as good
I can't see why not squire. As long as it trickle charges and not boost charges then I can't really see that there should be a problem. As I said before, connect it up and keep an eye on it for the first hour and see how it goes :thumbup
it will be 12v and if its a good one it will have a fast and slow charge if its a cheap one it will just have a slow charge. You want a slow charge and it will be fine, just loosen the tops off the cells to vent the gases but dont forget to tighten again. trust me its my trade. :thumbup
its defo got a fast and slow charge so if i stick it on slow charge and keep an eye on it for an hour or so! all should be well cool and when it gets to 13.5v`s it is ready?
hope you sort it chris,but fpmsl at this thread,mostly at you and s.t.
a quality read
all in a days work Big Un, yeah launch it on slow charge , will need at least 6 hours but is best overnight, make sure it has acid in if not top up with De-ionised water (boiled water will do). Just be careful the acid will burn your cape :biggrin
Post up a vid and we can all listen to it and tell you whats wrong :roll
Or give the starter one of your taps with a hammer :bash :lol:lol:lol

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