Its finally give up the Ghost

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slow charge CHECK!

Boiled Water CHECK

tuck in cape CHECK :laugh

Neil buddy that hammer has been conviscated untill im more responsible! im sure if i had it i could fix the bike Damn it!!
Amb mate contenders on again the bike will have to wait, MB keep that hammer well away from that bike. Battery has had 4 hours i would be tempted to give it a go
TV watchers Tut! :roll

Almost as bad as people who spend all night on forums talking to other sad folk on forums Tut! :roll

Keeping me in suspense now, need to know if it's OK or not. :dowhat
best be soon, am off to the pub for a pint, much better than tv, kinda addicted to RSV Zone at the mo though
Alreet boys how we doing?:eatcorn

ok well got home from work and thought fook it ill bump start the beast haa well that was fun all it did was lock the back wheel up no engine noise at all!! bit of wishfull thinking made me try and start via the button well what do ya know the bastard thing started:confused whats all that about?

ok while it was running i blasted up the road and back all was sound checked the voltage and it sat in the low 14's and occasionally dipped into the 13's after about 10 mins i turned it off and tried to start it again and fired straight up, left it a couple of mins tried again made the slight spinning noise and then fired up again!!

so boyos what do we think it could be :eatcorn
Had the battery been on charge before you tried Chris? :dunno

Could be the starter motor sticking, and freeing itself off when you tried to bump start it.....maybe.....
Sounds like you should have kept that hammer as NeilB said and given the starter a tappy tap tap ;) I'm sure LEGS, spoonz or Neil will be able to let you know if the starter motors can stick and start to break down.

Good news is that it started though sir. Just say no to sprag :thumbup
i think you might be right Mr Cat just wished i knew what it was, as im a bit nervous to take it to work incase it doesnt start
Milleboy, my guess it's a low battery. Get yourself an optimate off ebay and keep the bike hooked up to it, it's very easy. Also fit that Yamaha starter relay before you start destroying the sprag clutch as things will get expensive then fella
Hi legs so far im up to the stage of :-

1, Bike was being a pig to start a couple of months ago, i then by the yammy relay,

2, couple of days later the bike is sound again starting 1st time or 2nd at the most, hence the fact i didnt rush to fit the yammy relay.

3,2 days ago it did the spinning noise twice but the third time it fired up, bit worried but i drove to work and all was fine

4, the same day i nipped home at lunch and when i came to start it to go back to work,it was doing nothing but the spinning noise of which we assume is the starter motor,

5, got back from work and fitted the new relay checked all the connections were correct, then fired it up, there was no change at all, still doing this loud spinning noise

6, spoke to the lads on here said to check the starter motor lead and that was proper tight,

7, all this time the battery was reading no less then 12.2/12.3v`s

8, the next day i tried to bump it! no such luck the back tire just locked up, but i did try the start button and for some reason it started,

9, left it running and the voltage was reading low 14s and high 13s

10. turned it off and it started up tried a few more times and it started again was fine, it made the spinning noise a few times but always fired up on the 2nd time

Cheers legs mate thought id put all together for you mate saving you reading through everything

2 days ago it did the spinning noise with no engine turn what so ever! Voltage was 12.3
manage to get uploaded finnaly

now ive had to put 2 vids up both the same but i think one might not have sound, as im at work i cant really play them to find out lol

so here goes

cant view mate its taking forever on this heap of **** laptop will have to wait til i get home tonight

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