Not starting after winter

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Apr 8, 2012
Hope I'm not covering old ground here, apologies if I am, but having read several similar threads I'm still stumped.

I have a 2004 Falco 78k miles, bought it last summer and apart from an intermittent no crank/no start issue where all the electrics would die, it started and ran fine up until October when it was put away in the garage.

Last week I took some advice to cure the electrical problem and fitted a 150 amp starter relay and cleaned contacts between battery/relay/starter and fuses.

After doing this I charged the battery which I had left on the bike all winter and gave it a go, it fired first time and ran for about 15 seconds then died, when trying to start after this it ran for less time each crank until now it doesn't even try.

What I have done so far :

New battery
Checked all plugs for spark
Fitted new spark plugs
Emptied tank and put in fresh fuel
Checked side stand light comes on/off when moving it
Operated kill switch, when pressed bike won't crank
Tried starting with clutch in
Checked tilt sensor is right way round and plug connected
Checked no flashing efi displayed on clocks
Cracked banjo bolt going into throttle bodies on o/s - fuel squirts out with ignition on
Checked fuel being delivered into tb's - not sure if spray pattern or amount is correct though - video link below (i don't get the correct angle until right at the end)
Operated injectors with 12v - they make the clicking sound
Tried starting with easy start, bit tricky on my own, but bike fired and ran for few seconds
Tested voltage when cranking, around 10.5v - video link below.

I have a Aprillia performance chip fitted last year, toying with the idea of putting the old eprom back in, but I believe it is unlikely this will be the fault.

So on the face of it I have spark and fuel, but do I have the right amounts of each??? Head mangler!!

Cranking voltage:

Fuel injection:

Any help gratefully received!
Fuel filter or pump

Cheers, that's the direction I was going to head in this weekend - Do you know if any other fuel filters can be used on these, would like to try get it going this weekend, but I'm a fair way from an Ape dealer.
So update on this, I tried adjusting the trim pots forwards and backwards with no change.

Had the injectors bench tested with fuel pressure and a 12v power source and they spray fuel no problem.

Also realised under closer inspection that the injectors only squirt fuel for a second and then stop regardless of times cranked

Tried noid light on harness and get a flash when cranking.

Removed fuel pump and checked for any disconnected /split hoses.

Wanted to do a fuel pressure check even though there is fuel to tb's but maybe not enough, however without the correct banjo bolt connection, couldn't see how to do this. However after reading every crank no start thread across multiple forums, I figure if I disconnect the qd on the return line, providing there is flow there this should rule out bad pump/filter, as the fpr only allows flow after 3 bar. This is the plan tomorrow when I put tank and injectors back.

Even though I have no efi warning I thought I'd try connecting the diagnostic barrels, but can only find one barrel with 2 wires going to it? Have removed the ecm tray to check not trapped under there.

I'm guessing this isn't a problem as such if someone has joined them together permanently, but I should get at least the 0 or 1 code? Both wires are green /white.

Really hoping the fuel pressure test fails tomorrow, otherwise could it be a bad crank/cam sensor even though injectors are receiving pulse?
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Well put everything back today and disconnected the qd fuel connector and fuel poured out at a decent rate whilst primed then slowed to a dribble, so must be getting correct pressure.

Thought I'd try a crank to see if it would start flowing again and well I nearly **** myself when it only went and fired up!!

Not sure why, maybe operating the injectors on the bench free them up or disconnecting the qd cured an air lock or something??

Had myself a frankenstein moment 'it's alive, it's alive'
Glad it’s all going for you. I’m on my second go at Mille ownership with the same bike bought it in 2014 ran it TIL early 2015 major family issues intervened just started it for the first time in 4 years today. New battery fresh fuel and started of the button don’t think I’ve ever been so surprised.
Didn't want to start another post about Mille not starting so I'll add to this one. Having the same problem with firing up after couple days of not using the bike but also getting a "no start" message on the dash.
I own this bike for quite some time and I've never seen this type of message before.
Any ideas why it shows up?

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