Yep, there is a few going ..:doug
Pointer RSV ?
Beechy 3
8855Blade 4
HondaCBRR06 1
Aprilikilla 1
Kawasakiinit 1
DAN46 2
Carl Riley 1
Dexter ?
Jonty 4
Sprocker 2
Yorksrsvr 1
Mark58 2
Quicksilver6 ?
Rhodeseeker 2
Is there any more out there?? C'mon soon be too cold for a day out:thumbup
Get Yo Ass up them hills....:devious
half way between Gisburn and settle ... so it;ll be a settle meet for me
OK so I guess you wont need picking up on the way and can find your own way all the way to Settle then :biggrin
Name Badges Sorted Beechy... My Mrs says i am soooooo sad .......:dunno