Northern Lads Ride Out.......

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Ok Blade, thanks for the reply.. Are all the times ok with you? :jack

With regards to the Lancaster guys, I initially thought that the Tickled Trout is sort of central from where we are and where they are before we turn off the M6, but sorry, didn't consider them meeting at Lancaster and riding down. Might be best if someone from Lancaster area suggests a place / time which fits in with them meeting up and riding down to the Tickled Trout for the suggested meet time?

If any others are interested in coming from other areas please throw in your requirements / thoughts etc. All welcome...:thumbup

looking forward to the meet...:doug

No worries the times ok with us......Looking forward to it ...:thumbup
Just keeping the 'Ride Out' Up The List....:nana

Anyone Interested - Ride out Sunday Sept 20th - Lancashire / Yorkshire..

See Thread....

Should be at least 10 on the ride out with a bit of luck....

Might be up for meeting you all at Hawes :doug

I'll try and get my nephew to come on his cbr400rr, he's a newbie rider so it'll take us a while to get there :biggrin
is anyone from around our way goin on the mcn reclaim north wales ride out on the13 sept ??
Thanks Sprocker.. Might be worth keeping in touch with Beechy as he is in York I think and might come depending what other commitments he has:thumbup
pencil me in think i'll be at olivers mount saturday and on the ride out on sunday
think i'll meet up at tickle trout if thats all right with you lot
Pointer RSV where are you coming from m8 in leyland could meet up if you want then go on to tickle trout
Who wants to meet in Leyland, Penwortham then go on to meet the mass at the tickcle Trout...........Dont All Shout At Once
Hawes it is then,,,,,,,,,,,,, looks like i will come down to Tickled Trout & i will see if any other of the Lancaster massive r up for it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
other possibles r: Kawasakinnitt :supergay
& Killaprilia :fire
I was just checking my list then, glad to hear that you are coming.. Do your best to get the other chaps aboard ... Thanks M8 :doug
Jonty, Thanks for the link.. I will check with my mate and see if we can make it. He is collecting another R1 over the next week or so, so i will find out his plans..:thumbup R u goin?

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