I now have some falco hangers thanks to wellybob. I am thinking of either powder coating them gloss black. Or having the hanger metalic black and the peg gold!
I like gold! If you couldn't tell already lol
I have now also sourced an akra can and turned my current can into a lhs can. Need to get busy polishing though as its a bit of a state! The system will be polished before it goes on also.
I need to source 2 exhaust gaskets, 2 akra aprilia stickers and the mounting bolt and spacers for both cans as my current one is a bit scratched. Ideally from the same place to save on postage.
Any tips for cutting the fairing ready for the lhs zorst?
Its raining now so feel better having the bike out of action (collector removed and sold, is now currently zorstless).