Thanks Diablo. Post traumatic stress kicked in while I was in hospital, about 4 to 5 months after the event. I was very tearful all the time, and could not see a reason for coming out of it. I was under psych watch, and received counselling. Once I got out, things got better, and honestly, haven't looked back since.
I will be returning to my previous employer, who have been brilliant with me. Staying on benefit til fully fit would not do my mental wellbeing any good, and neither my waistline.
My action plan involves starting on 15 hrs a week, for 2 to 4 weeks, increasing by 3 to 5 hours a week, until I get strong enough to work full time, maybe in 15 to 20 weeks.
I have just spoken with DWP, and it seems that I can still get help with my mortgage and council tax, until I work full time. Let's hope it holds true.
You seem to have been through the grinder worse than me. As I see you are back riding, I can safely assume you are fully fit now.
My injuries were:
1. Open book pelvic injury with bi-lateral sacro-iliac disruption and sympysis pubis disruption
2. Comminuted fracture of right proximal femur
3. Fractured lateral tibial plateau right knee
4. Weber C fracture right ankle
5. Fractured right talus
6. Fractured left distal tibia
7. Fractured left distal fibula
8. Fracture and dislocation of left talus
9. Mesenteric vessel injury and subsequent small bowel perforation
10. Urethral stricture
Never the words light and tunnel applied so fittingly