To be honest, don't tell the wife, I'm easy. Can do any day or track within a reasonable distance of Kent. Just itching to get out & ride again. Not ridden the T yet so don't expect great things, but remember guys, second place is the first loser. What do I get for last place, lol.
I reckon the wife knows you're easy at the rate you're knocking out sprogs
You'll love the T on track, so easy to wrestle compared to the RSV. What tyres and shock you got on it?
On that note then, how does cadwell park, friday 18th march, £85 suit you guys?
Looks promising. Shall we say cadwell on Friday 18th march is a goer then?
If so, I'll start another thread with full details (stops people getting confused reading other info on this one then asking for details) & will speak to the organisers to see if we can obtain any discount.
Hell yeah before this turns into a ****** Pikemong thread of indecision.
hell y......hold on, trackdaylist has this one down as open pit lane. No decent details on the Easy Track website, - will need to check with them
I'm not up for open pit lane, I've done it before it before and it's a recipe for ******* disaster. If it's sessions then hell yeah
Well spotted. Ain't up for no open pit, got to be out with the wobblers at my own pace. Tried the number on easytracks website for bike info, not in use, so will try again tommorrow on the land line to find out. Otherwise the hunt continues. Looks like your the man for the job on this one!
Pikemong thread of indecision.
Class! that'd be a crackin title for a thread