Newbie - needing help

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Mar 13, 2017
Hi guys,

I'm new to this forum so first of all I'd like to introduce myself.

And of course I am seeking some help but looking at the forum there seem to be plenty of guys on here who know what they're talking about, so hopefully you will be able to point me in the right direction.

I have owned an R SVR Mille since 2010, but I only rode it for about six months before lending it to a mate who had been diagnosed with a serious illness and as he had always wanted one of these bikes I thought he should have it.

The bike is a silver 2004 RSVR

Anyway, long story short but his illness is meant that he hasn't used the bike for the last two or three years and recently contacted me to say he would probably never be able to write it again so arrange for it to be shipped back to me.

It arrived back via van delivery last week and I need to recommissioned the bike and get it back on the road.

It had a completely flat battery, and flat tyres so they were the first things I addressed.

But with a new battery connected everything lights up on the dashboard as normal, but the bike won't start.

It turns over okay but it is making a sort of buzzing noise from a box under the pillion seat and it has the message "Err" on the LCD dash screen.

The bike is fitted with an alarm/immobiliser, but pressing the buttons on the key fob (battery seems okay in the fob as the light flashes on the fob) doesn't seem to either turn an alarm on or off. I seem to remember my mate saying he had disconnected it, but I'm not sure how.

Any ideas or suggestions on what fault codes I can check or how I can check them to work out how to get the bike started?

Obviously I plan to change all of the fluids and completely check everything on the bike, but at the moment it is turning over happily with the starter motor, but not firing up at all so I would like to know that it works before I start investing any money in recommissioning it.


I think you might have a rsv 1000r 03-09 rsvr 99-02



The later 2004 ish bikes have a later electronic system , I don't know much about that bike I have the earlier in the 04-09 section ? (This is a usa site and they didn't get the bikes until a year later)
I read somewhere that you can join 2 wires together under the seat to display fault codes but I can't see any wires on mine.

Are they obvious?

There is a real birds nest of wires that looks likely to be the alarm though

I hate bike alarms. Wish nobody fitted them as I don't think that they ever provide much of a deterrent
Hi Marc,
I'm fairly new to the forum and have only just bought an RSVR but have loads of experience of other bikes and I have recently been doing up a blade which had not run for some time, and had some similar problems;
I would say that it is not the immobiliser as these usually stop the bike from turning over completely. Could be that the fuel is too old and stale to fire up - If you haven't already done so then I think it is worth draining the tank and putting some fresh fuel in - I bought a gallon of 99 octane to put in my Blade tank to get it going initially.
The ERR on the dash could be ignition or fuel related, not sure about the buzzing but may be fuel pump related?
My advise would be start with the basics which are fuel and spark - Is there a strong smell of petrol after the motors turned over a few times? If not I would suggest fuel, if it does then I would next check to see if you have a spark,
Good Luck,
+1 on what john said,

The rubber injection pipes in the tank get attacked by ethanol, this can show an error on the system.

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