My sl 1000 falco r

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Feb 6, 2024
I haven't ridden my Aprilia since 3 months ago. My front brakes went our and it got a little cold for me to ride. When I fixed the brakes I went to start my bike and I didn't get a thing. Not even a slight turn of the armature
Nothing. Replaced the battery checked fuses even checked the clutch sensor and it's all good but no start nothing at all when I push the starter button. Any help I can get is most appreciated. I've become an expert on my falco. Any time anything on that bike goes wrong I've had to learn the falco way to do just about everything on my bike so far so please teach me this next step so I can learn this as well.
When you say you replaced the battery, was that a new battery? Have you checked it for charge?
Check your starter solenoid / relay, can you hear a clicking sound from under the seat when trying to start ? This happened to my Mille and I replaced it with a Yamaha part

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