welly, I'm sure yer lot is far heavier than most on here cause of yer predicament. That said yer still a feckin fud.
Yer offer excuses, but it falls on deaf ears, but not fir this fud.
Jist a pity yer SO feckin ugly.
If yer were a hand some fecker, I'm sure pmyth wid be oot on his photo t and right in yer back door afore yer even knew he wis there.
Is that whit yer cry it noo.
"Goin for a squirt through the twisties!!!!":whoop:whoopI like fudabout
All suggestions are better than 'ride out'.
I would be up fir a Uk Fudfest next year. Somewhere central fir every yin as long as it isnae in the Midlands. dont want to accused of stalking New again
I work 50 - 90 hrs a week ...