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Hi by removing the casing on the left handside i will be able to see straight away if the stator is shagged?? Any links on how to remove the stator?? Thanks Daz
Hi by removing the casing on the left handside i will be able to see straight away if the stator is shagged?? Any links on how to remove the stator?? Thanks Daz

Daz. it all depends on the extent of the failure, you could remove the stator and find that you cannot see any damage at all.

Before you start replacing loads of parts which may not be required you have to condemn them by diagnosis/testing. Just throwing parts at the bike will fix it eventually but at what cost?

If you're not comfortable testing the stator outputs and resistances then it's time to call Griff or take it to your local Aprilia dealer for diagnosis.
as amb67 says its easier to check readings at the three yellow wires first. you should have the same voltage (ac) at each of the yellow wires, over 5ov, but if its stressing you out just get griff to have a look at it for you
Thought i would fill you in guys about my problem...Quite simple really..needs new generator as it was goosed and a gasket. Should be getting repaired over the weekend..Woo Hoo.....Buffalo i will send you back your regulator mate, so if you could send me your address that would be great. Thanks again for all of your help on this stuff:thumbup
Daz, glad to hear you've confirmed it was the stator at fault and are on your way to getting it fixed.

If I can be any further assistance please don't hesitate to ask/call me.

No worries have been a great help with this and hopefully it should be up and running for the weekend..If not next week...I have a track day booked up in my Evo this saturday at castle combe so that will be keeping me occupied this weekend..So itching to get back out on it again...and besides all of this av still not lost heart in the bike, which is not like me..:biggrin
Cheers Kawasakiinit...
Been reading ALL the posts on this, found those 'Brown Melted Connectors' behind the coolant bottle ( also white 2 pin plug near ECU rear seat, not half so bad though). Will solder & sleeve them was suggested.
All the same issues, lack of power, batt dying & missfiring etc.
Any particular reason for them doing this ? Stator/ Rectifier probs ?? or just poor quality plastic brown plugs ?


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