Tuono 1000 r problem

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Apr 28, 2014
west yorkshire
I have recently bought a 2007 1000r.
She has just had a major service done by the dealer along with a brand new mot.

Within a few days, she started throwing me a wobbly.
Upon gearing down or coasting up to a set of lights (with the clutch lever in), she would completely die on me and would take 10 seconds or so to restart on high revs or she would die again. This happened a lot.
Took it to the dealer and they took it out for a ride without a single problem. They said it must be the way I was riding. Well F me sideways, I wont ever use a clutch.
So off I went again and the problem kind of stopped.
So I thought, she's going down to Great Yarmouth to see the missus (which is over 200 miles away). Off I pottered down and half way, she started kicking herself into a temporary neutral and straight back out on its own with no gear changes etc (this is at 70 mph of course ;-) )
And my speedometer would read xxx mph and drop 40mph from the speed i was doing and back up to xxx mph in a few seconds. She loses all power and is quite frightening.
Now she seems to be doing it quite regularly (today on the way home from work).

I have read that it could be an air leak or coils problem. But that was just about the bike dying, nothing about the neutral problem.

Hope I have explained things to your understanding and look forward to your help.
And look forward to being apart of this forum.
Tuono, do your self a favour and give a bit of an intro instead of diving in with a big long request for assistance.

It will go a long way with the regulars who have a wealth of knowledge.:thumbup

As you say, be part of this forum.
My apologies :cuckcoo. My names Darren, 28 and been riding since I was very young. This is my first Aprillia.
This is my first twin and my first 1000 lol.

The f me sideways was a sarcastic comment as they said it's the way I was riding as to why the bike was dying. (Not with the clutch pulled in it isn't).
But the bike kicking into neutral is the main problem and think it coincides with the bike cutting out.
It's hard to explain, but will do a video of it tomorrow and post. Doesn't matter what gear I'm in or the speed I'm doing as it happens regularly.

Apologies for not introducing myself lol
As you say, the dealer never found a problem, perhaps they did not look too hard cos it would cost them.

Can you get a second opinion off one of you mates having a test ride.

Sounds a bit strange, a bike going into neutral and back into gear by itself.
Are you sure that's what's happening, are the engine revs increasing whilst this is happening ?
Is it clutch slip ?
Or a bad engine miss-fire ?

As you say, the speedo seems to be jumping around when this is happening.
Do you think the bike is actually going slower and faster or just speedo error that may be linked to this issue ?

What I am saying is, try and narrow the symptoms to gears, speeds, throttle position etc.
That will give the experts a bit more evidence to advise.

Ps, welcome Darren.
Hi Olaf and thank you.
The reason I say it goes into neutral is that my green neutral signs lights up.
The bike drops speed as I have lost power. But not to the extent to what the speedo is telling me.
I do get a misfire when this happens.
greetings and salutations T
you have a definite problem there mate and TBH I would take it back to the dealer and ensure they sort it out as IMHO it doesn't sound a simple fix
good luck
Welcome to the forum dude.
As Brooksy says take it back. In my view, its a hazzard and an accident waitng to happen, or fit for purpose while like that. Depending on how long you've had it ask for your money back.
Good luck.
Hi grin and thank you.
I've had the bike around 3 weeks now. And took out the 3 year warranty with it. I'll be phoning them this morning and they best sort this problem. To me it's a hazard and an accident waiting to happen.
The Rotax gearboxes can be pretty notchy,but I've not heard of many problems with them.
Usual problems are,....
1) Poor clutch adjustment.
Sometimes when aftermarket levers are fitted,the actuating pin is screwed in the wrong position,...resulting in clutch drag and/or slip.Also look at the slave cylinder,...is it leaking?does the clutch fluid need bleeding?
2)Poor chain adjustment.
Correct chain tension is critical to smooth gear changes.Needs to be on the tight side of slack,...if you know what I mean.Should be a sticker on the hugger for correct tension,or look in the handbook.
3)Poor rider technique.
These machines aint like Jap bikes,...they need a bit of boot to shift gears,so no pussyfooting on the lever.Compared to say,..a Honda,(wash my mouth out)the gear shift can be stiff and the clutch feel heavy.
T, throw it back into the dealer to sort.
Where did you get if from?

It's back with the dealer on Friday. I brought it from Jordan bikes in leeds.
Took it out today and I can't even build up enough revs to get her into third with the misfiring and constantly kicking in/out of neutral at 2000 revs. She struggles to even get to second.

Let's hope they find the fault.
Took it out today and I can't even build up enough revs to get her into third with the misfiring and constantly kicking in/out of neutral at 2000 revs. She struggles to even get to second.
The misfiring could be something simple like a blocked breather,...or it could be more serious like the stator on the way out,...or,(gulp!),...the ecu.
I dont get the jumping out of gear thing though.
It will be interesting to see how Jordan bikes stand by it as a warranty claim.

I was in there a few weeks back window shopping, and the sales lad was eager to tell me how good they are at after sales stuff.....

Keep us posted.:thumbup
that gear thing sounds like your not gear shifting propper
when i first got my tuono i did a lazy gear shifts and didnt boot it in good it would some times jump into a false nutral then missfire cos its hit the rev limiter then it would try to jump in and out of gear untill ide pulled the clutch in and booted it in gud n propper..
its was poor rider tecnique.and the lever was set to high so i adjusted that down....dont do it nomore
that gear thing sounds like your not gear shifting propper
when i first got my tuono i did a lazy gear shifts and didnt boot it in good it would some times jump into a false nutral then missfire cos its hit the rev limiter then it would try to jump in and out of gear untill ide pulled the clutch in and booted it in gud n propper..
its was poor rider tecnique.and the lever was set to high so i adjusted that down....dont do it nomore

Hi Roy, it's happening in 1st and won't allow me now to go to higher revs without back firing, kicking into neutral. So it's nothing to do with gear changing as I can't get to that point lol. If I go into second it feel like it's ready to stall and soon as I put throttle on the back firing and neutral comes back into play. :-(
Damned thing.
Take it back and demand that it gets fixed.

But as Roy says, the gearbox needs a firm action and false neutrals are there at the best of times.
The neutral lights does not come on unless it's a real neutral (I think).
It's of back in on Friday. Yeah I've found the false neutrals plenty of times lol, and no, no indicator light when I find them . But the green indicator flashes when she does what she does.
The woman at Jordan's mentioned the false neutrals etc. But she thinks the false neutral is the problem without looking at the bike.
But I will keep this one updated as to how it's got on and problem resolved etc.
But if others have had similar problems, would be nice to hear some feedback etc. Or some more answers to what it could be.

So Darren, How did you get on with the dealer.
Have they managed to fix the problem?

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