Blown Motor - 2008 Tuono 1000 13,500 Miles

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Jul 31, 2016
Hi Folks,

Just joined the forum today, had the bike a couple of weeks and absolutely love it.

That all came to a sudden and end today when I missed a gear change just hooking fourth on a fast overtake, tried to hook it again and then cos I was slowing down rapidly dropped one down and let out the clutch.

Bad mistake, as I think I had dropped 2 gears and near on turned the poor girl inside out. Immediately nasty noises from motor, unusual exhaust noises, and a 1/2 mile limp to the next available pull in.

The gears selected down ok on the nursing run, but when I stopped and turned her off she was tight as a tight thing. Would barely turn over when cooled down, and although she did start there are very nasty top end clatters so immediately turned off.

I have recovered the bike home, and am about to embark on the exploratory, has anyone had a similar experience, and what am I looking for?

Any help / observations welcome.
Oh dear !! doesnt sound good , best you speak to griff wooley ay aprilia performance in tamworth !! for advice .

what griff doesnt know about the rotax engine is not worth knowing !!

Just thinking... if you keep engine turned off, and clutch pulled in, you can click through gear box and turn back wheel by hand in direction of normal driving. That should tell you if the gear box is OK.

Check for any lock up or bad sounds.

Also worth taking rocker covers off and inspecting cams and cam chains. Remove 1 spark plug per cylinder, then turn engine over via 3rd gear. And see what happens.

Be aware the Rotax engine cams are part driven by gears and part driven by chain.

Then report back... here if sussed... or to an expert like Griff (AP) if not...!

Thanks Guys,

Gearbox seemed to function OK, it's the motor that squirmed.

Because of the immediate change in exhaust note and spanner in the works top end clatter, I am thinking a whacked valve, but not too sure how that could have occurred.

I will be having a look at the workshop manual, kindly downloaded from here, to see whether I can get a handle on the internal layout for the cam drive setup. I guess that it could also be a popped clutch basket due to the tightness.

I will keep you posted.
Because of the immediate change in exhaust note and spanner in the works top end clatter, I am thinking a whacked valve, but not too sure how that could have occurred.

Valve bounce!

I've heard of that happening on older engines, due to weaker valve springs... but haven't heard of it happening on a modern engine.
In an over rev situation the piston can be moving towards the valve faster than the valve spring can close the valve and contact can occour. Beacuase the rear wheel is driving the engine in this situation the timing chain/cam shaft lash is greater as well so, valve lead could be a degree or so out, again putting piston and valves closer together for the split second. You must have revved it hard to create this situation though.
If its any help there are a few motors on flea bay , this may be a cheaper option than a rebuild espesh if the valves piston and head are totalled !!
it dont sound good , i had a similar episode with a car , water pump seized , cam belt stripped teeth all exhaust folowers snapped , but no bent valves . still cost 2k to sort .:bawling
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the input.

I tried to start the motor from cold this morning, and for 10 seconds or so it sounded ok, then the clatter started and she seized up solid, so at the very least one of pistons has taken a load of shrapnel and driven it into the barrel.

I will drop out the engine and strip down to see what damage, but as a second hand engine is £850.00, and a top end rebuild will be a grand, I will probably simply replace engine. It would seem a shame to do a full top end re-build and then discover the crank is bent!

Will keep you posted.
Sounds like you finished her off... but don't want to be wise after the fact. Will be interested to hear what you find though, when you do the strip down.

There are several Gen2 engines on fleaBay at mo from £500 up, as usual. Bide your time and you should get a decent one for around that price.

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