Which is best millie

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Game over now boys..move along please

i'm sure us Aprilia owners...if we could afford it... we'd have 1 of every model .. now theres a dream :inlove
AusRSV stop being politically correct and choose lol

no you're right mate, if i had the money there'd be 110 bikes i'd have
all for different reasons
Its old for me , but the look of the new factory is smick , maybe for the 40th ill buy 1 itll be my mid life crisis:devious
The best RSV is the one you are sat on and riding.........says it all really :devious:thumbup
have told our lass that if she wants kids i want my new bike now as wont be able to afford one later, she didnt say no, result :thumbup
ok lets close this pointless discussion as opinion is exactly that.
we'd all fancy the same women eat the same food and wear the same clothes if it wasn't for individuality

we must remember we ARE ALL PART OF AN ELITE FEW that ride the best looking rewarding bikes on the planet

keep it safe guys, love your ride and she'll look after you!!!!
I think everyone needs to ride the 2000.5 model or earlier, anything newer has lost the Vtwin feel, I prefere the grunt these models have, the newer versions ie 2001 to current are a bit like in-line fours, you wind the throttle open and you get a seemless drive as the motor spins up, with the older models you it feels like you been kicked up the arse when you wind it on.
I also think the older ones are actually faster, having read alot of posts on acceleration and top speed the new models seem to struggle about 165 were the old models can go around 170+
The other side of the coin is that the older models are cheaper so you can buy spend cash on riding it.

Just my opinion

I think everyone needs to ride the 2000.5 model or earlier, anything newer has lost the Vtwin feel, I prefere the grunt these models have, the newer versions ie 2001 to current are a bit like in-line fours, you wind the throttle open and you get a seemless drive as the motor spins up, with the older models you it feels like you been kicked up the arse when you wind it on.
I also think the older ones are actually faster, having read alot of posts on acceleration and top speed the new models seem to struggle about 165 were the old models can go around 170+
The other side of the coin is that the older models are cheaper so you can buy spend cash on riding it.

Just my opinion


lost the v twin feel ? fook i'm tired now !cheers for that i'm off to bed now
I think everyone needs to ride the 2000.5 model or earlier, anything newer has lost the Vtwin feel, I prefere the grunt these models have, the newer versions ie 2001 to current are a bit like in-line fours, you wind the throttle open and you get a seemless drive as the motor spins up, with the older models you it feels like you been kicked up the arse when you wind it on.
I also think the older ones are actually faster, having read alot of posts on acceleration and top speed the new models seem to struggle about 165 were the old models can go around 170+
The other side of the coin is that the older models are cheaper so you can buy spend cash on riding it.

Just my opinion


The only bit ya got right there fella was the bit when ya wrote, ''just my opinion'' :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol
Not quite sure what your on about there RSVV60, how did you arrive at your conclusion of a Vtwin having the same "feel" an inline 4 :dunno.

As for the pre 2001 models, they produce the least torque and power of all the RSV and RSVR rotax engines. I believe the 2003 model RSV engine is considered the best in terms of power delivery though the later 2006 onwards are the most powerful in terms of top end HP.

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