Okay then, having had a better think about this over the weekend, I`ve HOPEFULLY more idea of what`s probably needed now, and so I`ve re-done mine competely. Have a gander:
Probably my final go at this now, as no doubt Oli will tell you, you can keep re-jigging these things forever.
That`s not to say, however, that if any of these is chosen for the design by you lads, the final one can`t be re-done.
In view of these new ones, I`m going to "withdraw" my old ones, as IMHO, these suit a bike much better..........but see what you think, and thanks for looking. :thumbup
Edited: Even though the first 3 look slightly uneven on screen (due to resizing for web-page display) they are all in the agreed dimensions of 150 x 300mm. The circle, I felt, would be a bit different, and measures 4 inches in diameter. I`ve found it fits nicely into the bottom of a bike-screen, front mudguard and rear-hugger.