RSV-R - some money to burn ... what to do?

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May 22, 2008
Hey Guys

i just recently settled out of court for a rather tidy little sum of dosh against my ex-landlord. This means I have some money burning a big whole in my pocket. Whilst at SC the other weekend they were talking to me about a big bore (1066?cc), power commander and air box work which would get me to well over 155bhp at the rear.

Has anyone had a big bore done? Does it affect the life of the bike? Any heavier maintenance/service?

What airboxs are there, which should I get and what do I get for it?

I know about power commanders, so this is ok :)

Thanks in advance!
I dont want a big bore if its going to make it unreliable .... needs to be a commuter as well. Will also need to do some proper mile eating.

And which airbox and frame????
:eek: 1060 on a commuter, you do have money to burn :devious I've got a rather large credit card bill that needs settleing ;)

Anyways I digress............ if you've got the money then why the hell not but keep in mind that fuel bills will go up a fair bit I would've thought :dunno , I guess if you use it on track as well then a worthwhile mod but for me I probably wouldn't go for that for a bike that I just commute on (you don't really need performance for filtering down the a40 ;) ) Airbox - the renegade seems to be popular, and then there's different takes on it from other manufacturers. Griff (fusebox) is the man that has done the 1060 mod so he may be along shortly to give you some advice. :thumbup
lol - have you seen me on the A40!??? I can go this way and sometimes do but mostly m25 hehehe Lets be honest, we don't need this bike for any commuting, even without mods but, we do, because we can :devious ..... that and commuter bikes look so :jack

OK, so at the very least i should get a renegade box (and frame). Then power commander. Would be interested to hear about the 1060 bore work from Griff.:thumbup

(Im guessing the airbox is a simple diy job for a relative spannerless monkey like me? - i learn't how to lift the tank the other week!:doug)
Airbox changes appear pretty simple & are supposed to release a couple of horses...I would say put the majority of your pennies in the bank/under the bed & have a look at your biking needs early next year!
hi guys!
big bore is the future!! along with a pc3 to tie it all together!! 155 is achievable im sure!!

Don is indeed the man at SC, he speaks the truth and knows his onions for sure!

thats the way i'd go if i had the money burning the hole in my pocket!!

BTW thats exactly whats happening to my own 03R before it goes back on the road this year along with a set of my own designed rearsets that weve developed and going to sell specifically for the mille!!

but for christ sake dont tell mrs griff will cos i aint got money to burn!! HEHE

any worries or advice is always free so if you wanna chew the fat just gimme a call!!
That sort of power on a twin is amazing... rodae a 1098S with 160 at the wheel and it was amazing!

... would say put the majority of your pennies in the bank/under the bed & have a look at your biking needs early next year!

hmmm ... thinking about it, you might be right. Only more power to control or risk losing the back on some dirt/rain/sleet in the winter months commute.

I would be interested in knowing how much the bigbor costs; we talking many hundreds or into the thousand or two? I'd imagine most of it is labour :dunno

£600 or so for the parts, then a further £200 for the replating, then you can imagine a massive labour bill for fitting it all :pirate

im no expert on rebuilding mille engines or anything, but pulling so much apart then having to rebuild with different parts is one heck of a task :exclamation

i would estimate it all to cost between £1000-1300 and its going to take at least 6 weeks to complete (probably longer once you take into account delivery times from wherever you source the kit)

for not much higher than £2000 im sure you could get a supercharger all fitted, and rumours say around 175hp for those :nana

personally i would be more tempted with a nitrous injection kit, for £800 or so you can get a button (or an auto activation thing if you really wanted).
its not the button thats special, its what happens when you push it, your 'standard' mille is transformed into an even crazier beast than normal and can give hundreds of hp more (although going so far will cost more or blow your engine) i would guess a standard kit of a 40-50hp gain would be relatively straightforward :devious

although as has been suggested, waiting until spring brings better weather isnt a half bad idea, though also saving your dosh isnt bad idea either.

Good luck whichever path you decide on :thumbup and keep us updated!
very interesting and usefull reply Wolf, thanks!

Think in the short term i will get the airbox (and frame) and a PC3. These are all relativley easy fits and I will get SC to do the install and programing of the PC3. Then wait until late spring and see whats up with the weather.

At the current rate though, not sure how much I will have left by then, already bought a Roomba 530 robot vac cleaner and replaced my old projector :doug
a sensible idea, airbox and pc3 will make the bike run much smoother and bring out a few more stallions but shouldnt be overwhelming, lets face it, the mille has more than enough power as it is, the dodgy weather just makes that worse

my mom got one of those robot vacs for her birthday and its hilarious fun to watch, does a pretty good job to!!

money burning holes in peoples pockets never stays in their pockets for long hehe

oh i forgot to mention all the mods are gonna make your insurance company very happy, its the perfect excuse for them to get an all expense paid company trip to hawaii for christmas, funded of course by the increase in your premium. make sure you consider insurance in all the mods you are doing (unless its a race bike) or you may find your insurance invalidated...
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i dont know much about power commanders sorry mate, im sure someone who has one will be able to tell you if thats the right part number 908-411 rings a bell but im honestly not sure

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