my rsv-r factory 53plate

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Jan 31, 2012
Here is my Aprilia Rsv-r Factory. i have had her just for a year now,having before only ever ridden in-line 4's. and now cant see me ever going back, the power you get from this bike is unreal, i have her on standard sprockets and that is bad enough, she came with one less tooth on the front and was quick, so very quick off the mark but prone to the front wheel lifting if you gave her too much gas in the first 3 gears, bit scary at time,so i put it back to standard as that is fast enough. I have fitted Titanium Aprilia racing Exhausts, and had it mapped for them too which helps the throttle repsone, making it so much better. The stuff i have fitted to the bike,Double bubble,Headlight protectors, R & G crash bungs on Front Forks and Engine ones too with Upper Farings ones going on at some point over next week. I have Maxxis supersport tryes on and find them awesome in the dry and the wet,i wouls recommend putting them on to anyone, would like to try the Maxxis Diamonds, please if anyone has leave a post telling me how you found them. Please feel free to leave any commets about my bike, thanks for looking.
i thought i had cancelled this post as i couldnt get my pics in my post, how do u cancel this post and any clues how to post pics up with the post? cheers
i thought i had cancelled this post as i couldnt get my pics in my post, how do u cancel this post and any clues how to post pics up with the post? cheers
upload your pic/s to a public server like photobucket or what I use is imageshack u don't need an account browse ur pc for the image/s you want then just make sure you press the resize image for message boards once uploaded copy the forum link code and paste it into your post on rsv zone!!!! If any doubts preveiw your post before you submit it to check the pic has pasted on ok
hi thanks for that i have tried to upload a pic, but a moderator has to approve it first or so it says, so hopefully i have done it right and a pic of my bike will appear.
i have uploaded some pics to my own page,so u can c what my bike looks like, cheers Moy26
Very nice ride wheres ya decals gone though???????
Wish I'd bought an 'r' now but never mind, will do all the mods to my standard mille then hopes sell on for a profit..then on to the 'r'
tell u the truth I actually quite like the mostly red colour scheme of my rsv as there does not seem to be many the same around......:dunno
yeah i know decals r missing have taken off the fairing and getting it resprayed same colour but going to put Loins head on, gonna get the new ones,sharp looking ones, not the old ones with the big as soon as they done will take new pics and upload them. ur bike looks very good,yeah u dont see many in that colour, which i think is good, be differant.problem is when you start moding where do u stop you could spend a fortune. i cant see myself selling this bike unless i got a really good offer even then i would b hard to let her go. and i would then have to buy a newer Factory bike!!!!

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