My RSV-R - swiped by pikeys...

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Newspapers lie all the time about deaths and their causes , our local is the worst.

They protect pikey's too :jack

few years ago i had some local youths try to help themselves to my Yammy R6. They were chased off by neighbours and we all knew who did it (including the police) but there was no evidence. Anyway, coppers said to me that they wish these 14 year old kids had stolen it. Why? I asked. "As they wouln't know how to use it and we'd be less one 14 year old bike theif."

Long story short: A week later the kid was found wrapped round a lampost with the remains of a Fireblade. Serves him f*&king right. Ever since then i've been a BIG fan of Darwin.

What narked me was the local paper. It described the tragic death of 14 year old John who died on his moped!!!!!!!!!! WTF!? Why did they lie about this?

I hope that all bike thiefs die, just without taking anyone else out at the same time.
Newspapers lie all the time about deaths and their causes , our local is the worst.

They protect pikey's too :jack

imagine the hell pikeys would cause to a newspaper if it said somethin bad about them?

it would be like painting f*** of* pikeys in bright red accross your white garage doors when they occupy the field next to you :eatcorn

sorry to hear about the pikeys getting your rsv! its a real shame such scum is actually protected by the law, which they break regularly

i've had some run ins with pikeys before, takes the piss when they occupy a public playing field where young children play in the park, then they leave a pack of 8 rabid doberman dogs off lead to run about and attack everyone ffs

on a funny note: me and a m8 came accross a tent in a forest after a night of very very heavy rain, the tent had collapsed but we could see something in it.. as a dare one of us decided to poke it with a stick... it moved :eek: we poked it more and more.. then started pulling the poles out of the tent while something was rustling around obviously looking for the way out, we poked a few more times with sticks then heard something moan :dowhat then the zip started to open... we ran our ***** off laughing so hard we fell over every stick in the forest, after we escaped 50 metres or so we looked back and saw.... a dog get out...and then :eek: the blair witch, just kidding, it was some ugly pikey b***h with mud and leaves all over her face, we laughed more and ran off :nana
I hate the dirty thieving smelly no respect for anyone else *****.

They should all be minced and the meat thats been diced fed slowly into the air pipes of my rsv and watch the remains exit the silencer.

Yes i really hate them and yes i have had a run in or 2 with these low life scum.
What narked me was the local paper. It described the tragic death of 14 year old John who died on his moped!!!!!!!!!! WTF!? Why did they lie about this?

Mate, they didn't lie, they told some 19-year-old bint of a cub reporter fresh out of uni to dial up the police info line (mostly the police won't talk directly to papers now) and find something to fill a space on page 3.
The sub editor who should have picked up the error is grossly overworked, doesn't care because they spend every day under threat of redundancy and couldn't tell a Fireblade from a moped if you rammed one up their arse. The proof readers, whose sole job it was to pick up errors, all got sacked around 1979.
The Editor, who should have picked it up, is too busy filling in budget projections and other pointless forms to actually read what goes into the paper.
If you want any more insights into the wonderful world of local papers, feel free to ask.
Newspapers lie all the time about deaths and their causes , our local is the worst.

They protect pikey's too :jack
Oi! I thought this was an anti-pikey rant thread, when did it turn into a 'slag off your local paper' rant?:2finger:2finger pikeys are nasty, dirty, homeless, jobless pieces of **** who steal other peoples **** and **** on the ground where ever they please? Anyone got a pic of one of these Pikeys?
Hi all,

Havent been on here for ages, but alas it's not with good news I return.

Just over a month ago, somebody (pikeys) fly-tipped just near my house. My bike is always well hidden away down the alley to my garden.

2 weeks later, its gone. Feckers.

Do you actually know it was Gypsy's that took it :dunno or are you just guessing it was them :eatcorn
Havn't been here for a while..

sorry to hear about any bike niked..

As for the thieves.... they are just tools.

Who are they supplying too.?
Who is reselling the parts.?
Who is buying the parts.?

Cut of the head and the body will wither..... as the saying goes.

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