My RSV-R - swiped by pikeys...

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Oct 28, 2008
kill'em all i so cal it is the same thing most of the time they take them down to mexico and part them out . bastards.
kill'em all i so cal it is the same thing most of the time they take them down to mexico and part them out . bastards.glad you got a big vtwin .time to put it in the houes..
Hi all,

Havent been on here for ages, but alas it's not with good news I return.

Just over a month ago, somebody (pikeys) fly-tipped just near my house. My bike is always well hidden away down the alley to my garden.

2 weeks later, its gone. Feckers.

The insurance has paid out now but for your info it's a red/silver RSV-R index EU53OEW. It was Datatagged and has a decent alarm but that didnt stop them. Mods are just a black double bubble screen.

My clutch desperately needed re-bleeding as it wouldnt stop in first gear and was virtually unrideable. Lets hope the feckers brake their pikey necks on it!!

Got me a ground anchor in the rear garden now (and sensor light & CCTV) and whilst I seriously considered an 05 Factory my heart has been swayed and I have just ordered a late 2000 Ducati 996 SPS.

It's still italian and a big V-twin, so I'm not a total traitor!!! :thumbup
Hope they have an horrendous accident on it, break lots of bones, take most of they're skin off, after which it catches fire with him/her/them trapped underneath (unable to free themselves due to the broken bones!) and burn alive! Hate, hate, hate theiving b*stards..........DIRTY F*CKERS ! ! !

Good news about the Duke though......:thumbup
Feel for you mate, it always eats you up knowing that you, your home or family have been violated by SCUM, After they done me ....I had alarms fitted, the security company advised against Lights and the feckers can see what they are doing the next time round!

the 996 is a brilliant bike and as you say....its a twin and Italian good luck
Cheers guys, just a word of warning if you live Surrey way, I've had two mates lose bikes too. A new R6 and a CBR-RR.

The CBR-RR was found in the back of a stolen van the night after it went. Just round the corner from a gypsy site. It was returned and my mate got extra locks and chains.

The scum returned later that week and when they couldnt cut through the chains they slashed both tyres and generally kicked it in. C**ts!!
I hate fuc**ng pikeys, dirty Ba***rds sh*t outside there smelly shiney metal boxes and we foot the bill to clean it up, plus there tarmac laying leaves a lot to be desired!. Saw some today have moved onto a industrial estate near my house (will be double checking the house and bike alarm before i retire tonight!!)
Hello dave,long time,no hear,sorry to hear about your bike fella.Hope the scumbags die,hopefully see you soon,all the best,kev:thumbup
scum...absolute scum, I wish someone would invent a disease that turned them bright green or something so that we could find them easier.
We have had so many problems with them around here, I feel for you and your mates.
We don't get many down here.

My farmer neighbour told me they would get together in numbers and stick a shotgun up their nose and invite them to leave.

I have 2 policeman friends in bristol and they said there is a professional pikey removal service now who are mostly ex SaS. It will cost you £3000 to get them but it's cheaper than losing your stuff especially if paid by a street group contribution
The Police are turning a blind eye to locals calling them in. Apparantly they get very good results.

They thrive on the fact that generally people are afraid to confront them.
On your own that's wise but get some big blokes together and you can get them out. It's easier for them to move 10 miles away and nick someones elses stuff than get in a ruck with locals that won't take any crap.
Hello dave,long time,no hear,sorry to hear about your bike fella.Hope the scumbags die,hopefully see you soon,all the best,kev:thumbup

Hey Kev, yeah sorry I dropped off the face of the planet for a while. Been building my empire. Trust all is well mate. Lost all my numbers a year back. Dave :thumbup:thumbup

Glad to see the rest of you feel the way I do about f*cking pikeys. Should be shot at birth as far as I'm concerned!! :angry
I work in Croydon mate, I'll keep an eye out for your bike.

I live in a small village in rural Kent and we have loads round here, fortunately they don't **** on their own doorsteps and if they do they end up killing each other. LOL

Spoonz, they should do a cutting edge programme on those X SAS guys, would be good to see them in action.
I take it Pikeys are gypsies? interesting....Do they really **** outside? WTF? You take a **** outside in the States...and you would be arrested. But probably after your neighbor beat the **** out of you!! I guess you could set up your bike and hide in the bushes and wait for one to come and take it....
or how can you be arrested for someone kicking the **** out of you?
I understand if you volunterred to leave a curler on the lawn
few years ago i had some local youths try to help themselves to my Yammy R6. They were chased off by neighbours and we all knew who did it (including the police) but there was no evidence. Anyway, coppers said to me that they wish these 14 year old kids had stolen it. Why? I asked. "As they wouln't know how to use it and we'd be less one 14 year old bike theif."

Long story short: A week later the kid was found wrapped round a lampost with the remains of a Fireblade. Serves him f*&king right. Ever since then i've been a BIG fan of Darwin.

What narked me was the local paper. It described the tragic death of 14 year old John who died on his moped!!!!!!!!!! WTF!? Why did they lie about this?

I hope that all bike thiefs die, just without taking anyone else out at the same time.

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