My rsv 1000 r

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Oct 30, 2011
Hi wonder if anyone can give me a little advice

I bought myself a rsv 1000 r 2002 picked it up last week, when I rode it back it seemed to want to fall over in slow speed bends and when pulling away and turning

I took her out for a spin at the weekend just to see if it was me, it Still felt the same

Any advice would be appreciated
Hi wonder if anyone can give me a little advice

I bought myself a rsv 1000 r 2002 picked it up last week, when I rode it back it seemed to want to fall over in slow speed bends and when pulling away and turning

I took her out for a spin at the weekend just to see if it was me, it Still felt the same

Any advice would be appreciated

Happy to help if I can mate (as you will find are all on this forum) few more details though please. How do you mean "want to fall over"?? Can understand that description for the corners, but how does it apply to pulling off??
When turning at slow speed the front end gives you the feeling of wanting to tuck under

Not sure if I read it on another forum ar this one, but someone had posted about the same thing and the recommendation was to drop the front end
Are your tyre's ok?, mainly the profile's, don't drop the front, that will make it turn in quicker...
When turning at slow speed the front end gives you the feeling of wanting to tuck under

Not sure if I read it on another forum ar this one, but someone had posted about the same thing and the recommendation was to drop the front end

tyre pressures need to be ok and they do feel top heavy when turning slowly , moreso on roundabouts .
As mentioned, check tyres first. Seems obvious but you'd be surprised what a difference -5psi could make.
And make of tyres too, I found Dunlop 207/208RR's give that feeling compared to Pirellis etc
You need to make a checklist, as it could be any number of things or a little bit of alot of things.
1) check tires pressures
2)run your fingertips across your tires (front and back) to feel for ripples or corners in the profile, you want a smooth single curve round the whole tire, (any corners/ridges which course sharpe changes in handling at that point of lean)
3) check or have checked your head bearings for knocking, first check for play like normal, then if none found, sit on the bike, rolls forward with your feet, hold your headstock with your left hand and apply front brake quickly. Your looking for a knock from the headstock. ( I had this on an R1, the front felt it wanted to tuck all the time)
Failing all that...
4) make sure all geometry is standard.
5) set your sag for your weight
Test let us know how you got on.
Also see if you live near any other members. Maybe do a bike swap, on a short ride, always helps to have another opinion or description of the problem.
Good luck :thumbup
Right just checked the tyres they are Michelin pilot ct2's
Both tyres are more or less new

The front pressure is 17lb rear is 25 lb

Checked the head bearings and no knocks

I have no idea if the geometry has been changed, I will try to set the sag at the weekend
Just read on here the pressures should be 33 front 36 rear!!! ):

Maybe that could be the problem
set the tyre pressures to standard first ie 35f 39r

most definitely your prob as flat tyres are ****
set the tyre pressures to standard first ie 35f 39r

most definitely your prob as flat tyres are ****
:thumbup One of the easiest things to check , you will certainly notice if the tyres were under inflated . Set mine to 33f and 38r and also running pilot power 2ct's
I think you will find this is just the nature of the bike to some extent. It's a big solid bike and the 60% engine layout makes them pretty top heavy. These things are designed to go fast round bends. Once you are on the throttle through the bends they feel solid as anything.

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