How many miles to a tank?

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117m today and that was ragging it - cracking run round the lakes n up to Hartside - took £18 to fill it back up - 14 litres

I did Devils bridge, the lakes & Hartside yesterday. Loads of cops at the bridge, there about 3ish, then 4.30 at Hartside. 200+ miles in total
seen ma light come on at 78 once,,,, got 115 wi the fechter at the weekend, which took 21 quid to fill it
light come on at 76-78 (( changing air filter as this one is very dirty, will it help a bit to increase mileage?
57? Hmmm, is that miles or kilometers not that it matters but should do better than that. Mebee the low level sensor isnt working correctly.
135 til fuel light and then filled uo 16 litres at 160 miles
yesterday that seems the norm for mine
fast country roads with lotsa tight and twisties
playin all day usin the stompability of the tuoldo
now i wanna play out again :thumbup

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