How many miles to a tank?

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117m today and that was ragging it - cracking run round the lakes n up to Hartside - took £18 to fill it back up - 14 litres

18 quid!!!! fur 14 litres!!!! ...ats 1.28 a litre!!!! , we,re aboot 1.36 up here in North East Ricoland. ****** liberty that is. Particulary as maist o the oil fur it comes ashore roon aboot here....
it wiz oan ma mind Gilo min...wiz in local Hien Gericke the day and they wir pushin a petition oan excessive fuel charges in Scotland hence why it jangled a nerve...
I think it's the same everywhere - not (quite so ******') bad in the cities where you have the supermarkets all trying to undercut each other, but get out in the sticks and you pay through the nose. Every time I head down to Devon or Cornwall I'm amazed how much more expensive fuel is.
but like Rico says I always fill up standing on the bike


many moons ago, I had a mate that used to do that....he could always get a few more drops in than the rest of us.....and could always go the extra few miles...worked a treat until a fuel overflow burst into flames...he ran around the petrol forecourt with his knackers ablaze....sadly we were unable to help as we were pissing ourselves with laughter....:lol
oddly enough he didn't do it again after...:lol
£1:52 here. It's about £1:39 in the Fort. Cousins are paying £1:49 in Lewis. Good job i don't travel often at that price.
Did about 300 miles today, daren't think about it. Was empty before I set off too. 18 + 18 + 18 + 18 ffs
Did 230 miles today around Yorkshire Dales / Cumbria. Did not wait for fuel light, filled up every 60-70 miles due to all the petrol garages in the small towns and villages have closed down.
Its a case of if you see a petrol station open and you can fit a gallon or two in, fill up.
Have left it to late in the past!!
Did 230 miles today around Yorkshire Dales / Cumbria. Did not wait for fuel light, filled up every 60-70 miles due to all the petrol garages in the small towns and villages have closed down.
Its a case of if you see a petrol station open and you can fit a gallon or two in, fill up.
Have left it to late in the past!!

Nothing worse, having passed a service station 2 miles ago on the Mfuck ... than for the yellow light to come on as you razz past a big blue sign saying "next services 20+ miles"

Do you tuck in and run for the fuel ... or slow to 56mph and coast in?

I've never yet (touch wood) (not in a pervy way) run out of gas but having coaxed 120 out of a tank I must have been horribly close.
..ah often run oota gas.....
...ah must really cut oot awe they pies and fancy pieces ..
18 quid!!!! fur 14 litres!!!! ...ats 1.28 a litre!!!! , we,re aboot 1.36 up here in North East Ricoland. ****** liberty that is. Particulary as maist o the oil fur it comes ashore roon aboot here....

Serves you right for having free uni places, free prescriptions and abolishing the toll on that bit of a bridge across the Firth of Feckin Forth.
Alright, Ill jump in here again. 275 miles of pure unadulterated lunacy today. NO TICKETS! Yayyy. 95 miles first tank, 110ish second, finished the day without light comin on. Paid an average of 4.09 US a gallon. Premium fuel only, 93 octane to feed my fire. Blew by several others on ugh Harleys at a reasonable 115mph and then proceeded to spank a kid on a Ninja 600. Wasnt much fight in the kid as when he did catch up at a stop he asked what kind of bike is that? I replied Schwinn as I wheelied away. Hehehawhaw...................................................................fokkin love this thing. Ya'll be good now ya hear?
Spare a thought for the Shetlanders. The oil whizzes past them via Sullom Voe, and they pay £1:50.
Paid an average of 4.09 US a gallon. Premium fuel only, 93 octane to feed my fire.
93 is premium? 95 ron is standard here. $4 a gallon, you do realise we're talking £1:50 a litre here. That's around $11 a UK gallon (slighty bigger than a US one)
Think i mentioned this on another post, when we rode back from the forum meet at abber a coupl of weeeks ago , i fiiled up at cross gates, got all the way back to Leicester then over to coventry in the morning before the light came on.
Total of 148 miles.

I was not riding like a loon , but certainly wasnt taking my time.
Not quite sure what happened but normally get about 110 - 120 riding the same sort of way.
Must be that Welsh petrol ehh bay.

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