Dash buttons

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May 23, 2013
Hi all,

Picked up my new to me 2002 RSV Mille last night and first run back home was a cool 160 miler home from Liverpool. Have to say really enjoyed it. What a leap forward to my Triumph T 595!

Sorry for first post to be a problem but a least it's minor.

The R and D buttons on the dash don't seem to work - cant call up he voltage - cant seem to reset or get into set clock. Am I missing something simple or could they have stopped working? If so is there anything common that goes wrong? Any ideas appreciated.

I'll go back out into the sun and carry on enjoying!!

Hey John!

Obviously could be duff buttons/contacts on the pcb within the dash unit but may just need some extra pressure if the bike has been idle for any time as slight corrosion may have built up on the contact surface. If not, new clocks are fairly cheap these days.

Have you tried using a pen?
Sounds daft but worked on my 04 factory even though it felt like I was pressing the buttons with my fingers.
Hi Again, the casing seems to have broken mounts where the two halves join, I think that pressing the buttons is just pushing the back part away from the front. Is it a difficult job to get the clocks off to inspect further?

Thanks for all your help


I have seen the same situation. Dash was working, but all buttons except R wasn't. Any ideas what could it be?

Hi Spider. I took mine off in the end. All pins were lined up oh and the micro switches were showing continuity when pressed so I guess the fault lies deeper. In the end I got a dash from the bay and everything is now fine.

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