A Tuono - A learning curve

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Feb 21, 2015
Brisbane Australia
Hi Everyone, My history has included many bikes from Improved touring race bikes (pre superbike), GP 250's, Supermono's etc., most Jap fours, v fours,K750, K1200rs and a number of twins from Yamaha tr1, BMW r100's, . Vtr1000. Ducati round case 750, but the Tuono has been a different journey(not as bad as the ducati 750). I bought a 2003 tuono with full service history and 48000 klm's on the clock, went for a 20 klm ride and loved that engine, steering and ride position, but thought the suspension was pretty average.
I got it home and the rear was set at 136mm spring length so I moved that to 144mm(147mm Standard) and immediately got a more compliant rear. Any way I soften up both the rear and front settings after setting the sag and it was a reasonable improvement.
On my first long ride the clocks reset and I noticed the poor voltage reading on the dash. Over the next 6 rides the Tuono came home in my van 3 times due to a number of reasons, almost all of them common faults.

1. clutch failed due to no fibers left
2. Clutch fluid black and replaced
3. rear brake fluid replace ( no rear brake)
4. Alternator connector (white between cylinders)
5. Rectifier connector (brown at rear seat)
6. Rectifier(replaced with 37A one)
7. Increased cable size to reduce voltage drop problems
8. removed and reconnected all connections (fixing connections with heat shrink compressed under the terminal)
9. Starter solenoid short cct. (replaced with Yamaha upgrade)
10. Gearing 16-44(in Australia the speed limit is 100 kph, you would not even use top gear, I have a friend who races his at Phillip Island and he does not get into top. This is one of the fastest tracks in the world.)
11. Pipe mod(to fix dip)
12. Gabro 255 chip (the man knows his stuff)
13. Ohlins AP8240 shock ( the sachs actually works well when pushing on but lacks compliance compared to an Ohlins)

As a friend of mine said to me, 'it's Italian, that's called character'. I have now put 2500klm's on the bike and it is fun in the twisties, that motor is the best twin I have ridden(including Ducati's) and nothing goes wrong anymore, so I am putting the learning curve down to getting to know the bike and I think we are going to have a long affair.
The T's are amazing fun when running right. TBH when I had my gen 2 I didn't have any problems the 4 years I had it - must have been lucky.
Fingers crossed for you mate.
Well it looks like you have addressed the major points with a T so shoulod have many fun filled miles ahead of you.
Cross your fingers and enjoy it sir

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