A funny story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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congrats mate. i still reminice about my 748 (my last bike), they are gorgous things:


if its been gone that long then its service time!! - do you self serv or go to a duccy dealer?? you may need an insurance pay out just to fix her up :(
Well if it was me ol mate..first chance that Duke would be stripped down and prepped for the track in a flash...an ideal twin to go hunting the circuits on digger. Those li'l Dukes on slicks ride fantastic..lack a little power but ridability is tops on a circuit that suits. All fun to come i rekon. Such a good story to hear the return of your bike mate...a real feel good story. Enjoy that baby back in your hands. Cheers, Aj
Roll up roll up! the duke is returning! boys and girls, the duke is coming home this week, an as soon as I get it back, there'll be a pic or 2 comin on the thread! :biggrin

Unfortunately, it does have a little cosmetic damage which can easily be sorted, so its not all bad :biggrin
U jammy bastard. 2yrs down the road and you got it back in a fairly decent condition. Wonder if the guy who had it was an innocent who bought it off the dick head robbers, feel for that guy if it is :(

All in all great news for u, gratz
Boys and girls, my I introduce my long lost duke! as promised, heres the pic! check out my garage! :biggrin:thumbup
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Now there is a happy ending you don't see everyday. Very nice squire :thumbup

Don't suppose you were lucky enough that since it has been gone the Termi's and levers, clutch cover etc have been added for you? :devious

What are the plans for it now sir :D
well cat,the first thing, its being sent away tomorrow to be looked at and serviced etc etc, and the termi's,levers,clutch cover and the rest were actually on the bike when it was originally nicked, but came back with them still intact, and in working order thank god!:biggrin:thumbup
looks amazing, twin carbon termis:drool:drool:drool:drool:drool
I think i could begin to dislike you :devious:biggrin
well happy for you mate just looks like it needs a lick of paint:doug:doug
ah dude, dont be like that, once I get it all tidied up, i'll even let you have a go on it if you behave ! :biggrin:thumbup:nana
How many miles did the nasty horrible pikey bastards put on it, before they got bored with it.
I think being crucified would be the way to go, using nail guns, fire an all things nasty you could think, any suggestions :biggrin an speaking of suggestions, anyone got any ideas what I should do with the duke, if its in good nick? :thumbup

Nail gun the bast*rd to an "X"..........back the Duke up to him.........

and do a burn out on his fcukin nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(I come from the old school of stocks, public humiliation and torture of all child molesters, rapists, granny bashers and bike thieves!!!)
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Nail gun the bast*rd to an "X"..........back the Duke up to him.........

and do a burn out on his fcukin nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(I come from the old school of stocks, public humiliation and torture of all child molesters, rapists, granny bashers and bike thieves!!!)

Man, i'd pay money to watch that little episode. :thumbup :pirate
Nail gun the bast*rd to an "X"..........back the Duke up to him.........

and do a burn out on his fcukin nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(I come from the old school of stocks, public humiliation and torture of all child molesters, rapists, granny bashers and bike thieves!!!)



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Now now fellas! lets just leave it as that we would all like to do horrible nasty things to people who steal, and especially steal bikes! but needless to say, the bike thieves are total and utter :jack and they need the most painfull things in the world done to them, i.e. red hot pokers, nail guns, chainsaws, you see where im going with this ! :biggrin:thumbup
Its not back from being serviced just yet, it is a duke after all :biggrin but as soon as it is, its getting started and taken for a blast! :biggrin:biggrin:biggrin
BOYS AND GIRLS! great news! the duke lives again, it burst back into life yesterday, all that needs doing is,

belts, fork seals, rear tyre, battery,oil and air filters,break pads,mot-ed, number plate, and we good to go! :doug:doug:doug:biggrin
Ha ha! mate I promise as soon as I get it back on the road, you'll be one of the first people to see it :biggrin

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