A funny story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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cheers dude, an now for my next trick . . . . . . . whos got ideas as to what I should do with the duke when I get it back? :biggrin:thumbup
I think being crucified would be the way to go, using nail guns, fire an all things nasty you could think, any suggestions :biggrin an speaking of suggestions, anyone got any ideas what I should do with the duke, if its in good nick? :thumbup

Yeah I have a brilliant idea.

GIVE IT TO ME!!!:thumbup
Ha Ha! not a chance mate! I lost that bike an now to get it back after all this time, I wont let it go again! but nice try fella:biggrin but as soon as I get the duke back, its getting a cleaning up, service and riden like it should be :thumbup
me - i'd have to flog it.- its like damaged goods.....
then go out and spend the money on pimping your rsv
Not a bad idea, but as I'm a charitable soul, an always look for a challenge, i could sell the duke, as its worth a grand or so more than my rsv, so i could sort my rsv,or turn the duke into an expensive track bike :thumbup
i'm a bit funny like that...
wont give up my bed for no-one!
the thought of being robbed doesn't bother me, but the thought of them rifling through my stuff makes me feel sick
i love my bike and dont let anyone but the missus and my little boy even sit on her!!

but we are all different - thats what makes the world go round...

got to admit when i read your story, i was proper pleased for you though Bud...

flaming insurance companies have us over a barrel, make you scared to claim and when you do, do everything not to have to apy out...

i had an off last november - first claim in 17yrs of riding, but i've been out of the country for 3 yrs so had to start again on no claims bonus...
built up to 3 yrs and when i claimed they took me back to zero and the underwriters refused to put another bike on my policy when i recovered, so i had to go to new customer even though i still had 6 months left on current policy.....

then on new quote it doubled from yr before... so after losing 6 months insurance and excess of £500 then doubling my next premium, selling the remains of the bike to scrap for prob £1000 they got back £2300 of the original claim....

have us by the short and curlies
I hate insurance companies, they are all :jack but what can you do?
the dukes worth more to me sentimentally, so I dont think I could bring myself to sell it, so I mite just tidy it up and ride it on the odd occassion but still run my rsv as my main bike :thumbup
well pc plod said the bike was in good nick, the ignition barrel had been mucked around with and the battery had been disconnected, but apart from that he said it was fine:thumbup
but does pc plod know bikes like we do??????

anyhow its good news so dont let me put downers on it

good luck pal
I suppose, i think the copper I spoke seemed to know a bit about bikes, but when I see the bike for myself then I'll know for sure. Right now though, nothing can or could put me in a bad mood or put a downer on things :thumbup
what about if i tell you something

us 2 sad fookers are sat in on a friday night waiting for posts to reply to!!!!!!!!

hahahahahahaha how sad
yeah yeah lol me too
only mines in bits with a knackered needle bearing - on with it tomorrow though......

all i need now is some decent weather up here in cumbria........ but then again there's a reason i live in geen hills with loads of lakes around - cos its bloomin wet
Whooops, oh well we all have 1 problem or another with our bikes, but at least yours is minor,I aint even got a bike to polish at the mo, my garage looks sooooooooo empty :biggrin:thumbup:nana
I wonder if they serviced it while they had it.
any way, may their arseholes be infested with the fleas of a thousand camels.
LUCKY YOU BUD!!! :thumbup:thumbup
Hope they throw the key away - theivin scum:angry
What do i ride today my duke or my mille??
buddy how did the coppers come to finding your bike then dont think its been asked yet :eatcorn
Great news mate-unfortunately, all the good work done by the police (even if they found it because of an unrelated matter) will probably be undone by the Courts-I've seen it so many times. Like the case of a "breaker" who the police identified had parts from over 200 stolen bikes ib his lockup. He got a 3 mobnth suspended sentence. When you think of the hurt theiving scum put you through, let alone the money, it makes it worse. Just find out the details of the thief and publish them (once he has been convicted of course).

On the up side, it's probably not done many miles since it was stolen. Well, it is a Ducati.......................................................
theres nowt wrong with dukes and miles mate, an milleboy, they found it chained to a lamp post with sum scummy kids tryin to hot wire it or something, but soon enough its guna be under lock and key,not saying it wasnt to begin with,but this time its guna be chained to everything i can find :thumbup

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