02 RSV shuts down, and won't restart when hot

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Feb 15, 2019
Knoxville tn United States
I have an 02 RSV with about 17000 miles. I bought the bike a couple months ago, and it test rode great, but the next time I rode it, it shut down almost like it hit fuel cut, when I was trying to get into the throttle. It wouldn't restart after stalling, so I walked home, got my truck and came back to pick it up. And it restarted like nothing happened. So I took it to a local shop, they tested the stator (I dont think they tested it correctly), and said it needed a new battery... so I went to pick it up, it started and ran for a minute or so, then the guy shut it off, and it wouldn't restart. So they kept of, found a split spark plug book, and replaced it, and all 4 plugs. And they had the bike for about a month, and it continued to have this intermittent shutdown. But will always start up after letting it sit. So they threw there hands in the air, and gave up. I just got it back this evening and took it for a ride, it stalled after about 2 miles, and would t restart. It feels like when you hit a bump, or really twist the throttle, it will miss, and buck, a most like its starving for fuel, or hitting a fuel cut. And whenever it shuts down, it will not restart until it cools down. Then it runs like a champ for a mile or two, till it gets nice and warm, then it starts falling on its face again....

I'm about to hit the search bar, but I'm hoping someone can help me out, I'm about to pull my hair out. The only thing I can thing to do, is remove all the fairings/bodywork, and try to removed the wiring harnesses, and inspect them for chafed wires. It feel like an electrical gremlin.

Please help!
Check all connections especially around the fuel pump and the ecu

You may have a couple of issues

start it up with the fuel cap open to see if there are any bubbles , indicating split hoses

Failing that call Griff at Aprilia performance and see what he says years of experience he may be able to pinpoint asap
I order a Denso 195130-7040 fuel pump kit, and bought a MicroGard 33023 filter. The lines look good, I will probably reuse the accordion fuel hose, but I did find a Holley version on summit racing.

I was also considering replacing all the replays, and maybe the voltage regulator and stator.

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