How to start an RSV ( By a Scot)

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Jun 30, 2007
fur feck sake ya bunch o wolly backed wassocks, whit is the problem wie startin yer feckin bikes.

Ah go awa fur a week ur twa an aw ah get when ah com back is whaur ur ye coz we cannae stert oor bikes.

Dae we need tae mak this a sticky.

Assumin that ye aw ken hoo tae get tae yer garage/shed/whitever, get inside an insert the key in the ignition, remove aw yer disc locks, chains and whitever else ye paranoid bunch o feckers hae oan yer bike. Is this care in the community ur whit, ahve been throo this loads o times an ye still come back wie aw this "ma bike wilnae start" pish.

Ahve been readin throo some o the recent posts, an yoo bunch o feckin halfwits jis dinnae hae a clue, huv ye no been listenin fur the last hoo many years.

Ignore all previous startin posts, this is the definitive.

Dont switch yer garage radio oan, ye need yer delicate shell likes tae listen tae the sounds that yer bike is ur isnae makin.

disarm yer alarm, confirm that yer LED stops flashing, (if yer bike hasnae been used fur oer twa weeks, switch yer ignition oan first tae wake the alarm up, then off then arm and disarm).

Switch yer ignition oan, dae ye hear yer fuel pump prime fur aboot 5 seconds, if no yer fault is either kill switch in wrong position/ faulty,alarm, tip over sensor, fuel pump, fuel pump relay or ecu. Further assistance will be given oan this when required.

Press yer sterter button,dae ye get multiple clicks, if ye dae its yer battery thats flat or aloose connection, a weak battery dis no hae the power tae tae mak the solenoid it tries but fails often this is the clickin sound ye hear, dinnae gie me yer pish aboot it bein a new battery or just off charge, ye ur dain it wrang, multiple clicks ur a sign o a duff battery an nuthin else, if ye ur a poor wee misguided arse wipe that thinks ye huv just takin the bike aff yer optimate then read the feckin instructions fur yer optimate (highlights below). A green light on an optimate doesn't mean the battery is OK.

If its a new battery then did the shoap charge it fur eight hours oan a trickle charger or did ye walk in say "ah want a new battery" they filled it wie acid an gave it tae ye, nae 8 hour charge means yer battery willnae last as long as it could.

Optimate, great wee ****** but ye need tae read the instructions, if ye dinnae power oan an off it disnae condition yer battery, ye hae wasted yer money fur a wee plastic ornament, every time ye connect tae an optimate ye must switch it off an on again to reset the conditioning cycle.

Whit fecker was goin oan aboot diagnostic plugs, the diagnostics are only concerned wie the fuel injection there is no a code fur the starter solenoid. There is no fault code 0,1 or -1 this is the setting fur yer throttle position sensor it is no a fault code.

rite then whaur wis ah, yer fuel pump primes, remember that noise, when ye press the start button dae ye hear a single click but the starter motor disnae turn, ye hear the same whooshin noise that yer fuel pump priming makes, that means yer solenoid is probably fecked, this can confirmed by shorting out the twa terminals oan the solenoid wie yer ignition oan this will enable ye tae start the bike,

if ye dinnae hear a single click then it is probably yer solenoid control voltage that is ******, test by putting a multimeter or lamp over the little multiplug on the solenoid between the yellow/red and the purple/black you should get 12V only when the start button is pressed if ye dinnae the fault is in yer switch, control logic, side stand switch, clutch switch diode block etc, further assistance will be given when ye post sayin "I dont get 12V on my multiplug when the button is pressed"

The sprag clutch woes will no prevent the bike fae startin, it is a mechanical noise which gets louder as time goes on it also gets more expensive the longer yoo leave it

Will the guy wha wis goin oan about cam position sensors please post again, an we will get him sorted out.

as usual the internet is a dangerous place, don't assume because the solenoid is a known fault that that is what is wrong with your bike, do the checks above post yer results an we will get ye sorted.

Dont assume that because someone says their business is motorbikes that they know best for example people who come on and say that an optimate discharges a battery what the **** sort of info is that, a battery charger that discharges a battery , for the record an optimate measures the level and rate of discharge of a battery and sets the charging current appropriately, once the green light is on it reverts to a trickle charge, this is called conditioning.


It makes for hard reading in that Scottish dialect, can you post in English please?

New you would be the first to post a comment V Senna. LOL
Sorry guys, I didn't write this, it’s lifted from another forum, I don’t speak the lingo ether but if you take time to decipher it, it may prove useful to some. Good luck.


Only joking H... sound advice in that post.

Plagiarism rules the web!!!!

Ha the "Laird o Coocaddens", nice one H, let me tell you guys the Laird knows his stuff and his advice is good, i would also advise against mocking the man coz this is the man himself

And he can ride a bike into the bargain, a well respected member of the Aprilia community when he had one:thumbup
Ha the "Laird o Coocaddens", nice one H, let me tell you guys the Laird knows his stuff and his advice is good, i would also advise against mocking the man coz this is the man himself

And he can ride a bike into the bargain, a well respected member of the Aprilia community when he had one:thumbup

Badger mate, I mock no one, trust me.

I had come across this before on one of the other forums if frequent.

Tis, obvious he knows his stuff.
Well I'm a Scott and it makes no sense to me ....other than not to argue with with the man :)
Listen up guys, i have kindly spent 10 mins deciphering this for you, i think it would be an idea to make this a sticky

disarm your alarm, confirm that your LED stops flashing, (if your bike has not been used for over two weeks, switch your ignition on first to wake the alarm up, then off then arm and disarm).

Switch your ignition on, do you hear your fuel pump prime for about 5 seconds, if no your fault is either kill switch in wrong position/ faulty,alarm, tip over sensor, fuel pump, fuel pump relay or ecu. Further assistance will be given on this when required.

Press your starter button,do you get multiple clicks, if you do its your battery thats flat or a loose connection, a weak battery does not have the power to make the solenoid work it tries but fails often this is the clicking sound you hear, dont give me yer pish about it being a new battery or just off charge, you are doing it wrong, multiple clicks are a sign of a duff battery an nothing else, if you are a poor wee misguided arse wipe that thinks you have just taken the bike off your optimate then read the feckin instructions for your optimate (highlights below). A green light on an optimate doesn't mean the battery is OK.

If its a new battery then did the shop charge it for eight hours on a trickle charger or did you walk in say "i want a new battery" they filled it with acid and gave it to you, no 8 hour charge means your battery will not last as long as it could.

Optimate, great wee ****** but you need to read the instructions, if you dont power on and off it does not condition yer battery, you have wasted your money for a wee plastic ornament, every time you connect to an optimate you must switch it off and on again to reset the conditioning cycle.

What fecker was going on about diagnostic plugs, the diagnostics are only concerned with the fuel injection there is no a code for the starter solenoid. There is no fault code 0,1 or -1 this is the setting for yer throttle position sensor it is not a fault code.

Right then where was i, your fuel pump primes, remember that noise, when you press the start button do you hear a single click but the starter motor does not turn, you hear the same whooshing noise that your fuel pump priming makes, that means your solenoid is probably fecked, this can beconfirmed by shorting out the two terminals on the solenoid with your ignition on this will enable you to start the bike,

if you dont hear a single click then it is probably your solenoid control voltage that is ******, test by putting a multimeter or lamp over the little multiplug on the solenoid between the yellow/red and the purple/black you should get 12V only when the start button is pressed if you dont the fault is in your switch, control logic, side stand switch, clutch switch diode block etc, further assistance will be given when ye post saying "I dont get 12V on my multiplug when the button is pressed"

The sprag clutch woes will not prevent the bike from starting, it is a mechanical noise which gets louder as time goes on it also gets more expensive the longer you leave it

as usual the internet is a dangerous place, don't assume because the solenoid is a known fault that that is what is wrong with your bike, do the checks above post yer results an we will get ye sorted.

Dont assume that because someone says their business is motorbikes that they know best for example people who come on and say that an optimate discharges a battery what the **** sort of info is that, a battery charger that discharges a battery , for the record an optimate measures the level and rate of discharge of a battery and sets the charging current appropriately, once the green light is on it reverts to a trickle charge, this is called conditioning.

Courtesy of the laird:biggrin
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haha lmao top post H.. :thumbup

But i wish i'd read Badgers last post first and saved myself ten minutes deciphering it :biggrin
Thanks Badger, now this i can read..cheers mate.
Crikey, that bloke could snap yer like a matchstick :eek:
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Ha the "Laird o Coocaddens", nice one H, let me tell you guys the Laird knows his stuff and his advice is good, i would also advise against mocking the man coz this is the man himself

And he can ride a bike into the bargain, a well respected member of the Aprilia community when he had one:thumbup

He is indeed the man. I , along with Badger, Spoonz and a few others on here have been privelidged ( no idea of how to spell that) to sit at the feet of the Laird and he is held in the highest respect by those who (E)know him.

Besides that hes funny as f.:pirate..

Glad to see the link I posted in @Kiwis saga has found its way into daylight in another post:eatcorn:eatcorn
If you’re having trouble understanding the Laird then you must have missed out on one of TV’s little gems, Rab C Nesbit. A couple of episodes and you’ll be up to speed. Recommended.:thumbup


A couple of things have sprung to mind given the rash of staring woes posts and sprag clutch issues.

Keep your battery in tip top condition with an optimate or the like. If it begins to get harder to start or if it just dosent start as well as it did last week - suspect the battery irrespective of the two green lights on the optimate telling you its all ok. This has happened to me twice on V trwins. My Ape and my wifes SV. Both times the optimate told me all was well but after much time and expense waisted chasing down dead ends and blind alleys I bit the bullet and bought new batterys which solved the problem.

The second thing is this. You cant start these beasts in the same way as you do on a four or a car for that matter. When I had my Yamaha I would always start it in the same way, key in push the button and twist the throttle at the same time. You cant afford to do this with a V twin. Just turn the key cold start lever if its cold( on my old un) and press the button. DO NOT BLIP THE THROTTLE.

I will be teaching many of you to suck eggs I know but this advice may save someones spragg/wallet.

When my mate Ron bought his 00 Tricolour from S and P in Exeter I was horrified with the way the mechanic started his bike. He held the button down with the throttle open until it fired. This thing was spinning for about 20 - 30 seconds over quite a few attempts until it fired. It had been standing for a few weeks with no optimate. Needless to say they ended up putting a new sprag in under warrenty when it finally gave up the ghost a few days later. The original starting problem was the duff battery.

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