Yet another Problem

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Oct 23, 2008
Hi guys i have a 2007 Rsv factory, I had not used the bike for a couple of weeks so knowing what this does to the battery i plugged her in and let her charge overnight worked a treat! went out on my ride for about 1hr got about 10mins away from home and engine cut out( i have fuel!) it would then turn but not fire? after several attempts the battery light came on and the battery was flat. Replaced battery with a new one and still have the same issue i have checked the tilt switch all fine, could this be the solenoid it is turning over just not firing? i have checked for fault codes and get 0 i can hear the fuel pump priming too any ideas??
some guesses from me...

1. the Spark Plug coil, which is common.

2. fuel pump not feeding fuel to the engine? if you have another friend with an rsv, try exchanging tanks. By doing that, you should be able to tell if it's the fuel pump or not.

btw, just asking, your current gear position is back to Neutral rite? because if it's engaged in any gear, the bike would not fire at all. (not saying you are a noob, just that this happend to me once... hahahahahahahaha)
This has happened to me. As a 'don't know what to try next' move I took out the green 30a fuses under the seat, checked them (they were fine) put them back in and the bike started. No idea why but just taking them out and putting them back worked!
Well tried the fuse trick but no luck, i don't have any close RSV owners for a fuel tanks swap either. I have checked the side stand switch too guess its a trip to the shop, my thinking is the immobilizer hopefully!!
Hello all, new RSV 1000r owner here. Second Aprilia, 8th bike, all v-twins or v-4's... I'm searching all over for a solution to my problems and keep on running into dead ends. In response to the OP, if you have a PC3, make sure it's powering up. If the PC3 is plugged into sensors but not powered up the bike will crank but not start. Usually check the ground wire for the PC3. More details will be needed tho. Best of luck and plz report back

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