Wales forum meet 7th April 2012

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Could do something Saturday if you fancy Whitey.

Have pulled out of going to the International due to shortage of funds & don't think two days on the lash in Cardiff is wise use of what little I've got remaining. want to try out my new HD stealth camera. After the last failed attempt I've got a new mount that screws into the mirror stem recess so the screen shouldn't obscure its view. only trouble is new camera takes a micro SDHC memory card which hasn't arrived yet.
You have to watch the game even if you aren't actually going Mick!!
....want to try out my new HD stealth camera.

Is that a Drift camea Mick?

I have the non-HD version and would be very keen to see how much better HD is.

I tried mine on the mirror but it was far too shakey so moved it back onto the tank
Don't know if you remembered but got one christmas time. HD version. First time I tries using it I snapped the battery retaining clip so tried returning it to Amazon. Long story but HD180 no longer in production. There's a new mini version. Similar but about 5"shorter. Uses a mini HDSC card & the rear cover allows for the use of an external microphone & charging.
Never managed to explore the older version however in full hd mode camera angle was restriced to 90degrees as opposed to 170 degrees & zoom not available.
I have a number of friends in TV working for S4C & they use the go pro cameras they reckon that even for their professional use 720 is sufficient for TV. My mate does rallying & is about to do the 24hr enduro in Llandridnod wells in a couple of weeks so would only say that if its good enough for them then for domestic use the non hd should be fine. am obviously trialing for our fud about in a couple of weeks & my trip to Assen.

I was lucky got the HD for £124.00 just b4 christmas. (obviously end of line stock.) normally about £220.00 retail currently £180.00 from states on E Bay. Amazon wouldn't upgrade to the newer model wopuld only refund origional cost. which left me with an obsolete external microphone, battery expansion pack & rear hatch cover. Wasn't best pleased so complained directly to Stealth who upgraded for £40.00 & exchanged battery & microphone for the newer versions. Still cost me £40.00 for the upgrade & another £20.00 for the SD card. Newer one is a tidy looking bit of kit & the rear hatch is a bib improvement. You are welcome to the old rubber hatch boot that I've still got if you've any inclination to get an external mic.
Hiya everbody, yes busted wrist...very upset grrrrrr ...but i will be back! thanks for kind own fault doh...the v4 will be in wales asap flat out lol...i had a txt from bay asking what i done think he must have seen facebook picture of my hoping for 4weeks not 6!!!!!!! or im cutting it off i cant stand it lol but have a lovley trip im very jelouse would have come along, ride safe Evlin....Anne.
Hi Evlin, hope you are better soon. I wouldn't bank on the 4 weeks though - last time I had a cast it went on and on and on, hope yours is off soon though!!
Ta for that, but last time I had a cast was about 6 years ago before my dodgy hip!

Dislocated my thumb badly playing 5-a-side footy in goal.
stix hiya x thanks...but its a clean really hoping for 4weeks, i know it wont be but keps me going lol bay im still a young lady so i will heal fast...............doh :p yeah right lol they reckon smoking really makes things take longer..i dont so yiou never know:thumbup
Well I hope for your sake it's 4, did my head in when mine went on and on :)
Hi evlin good to here from you again sorry you cant make the 7th maybe the next one hope you are back on the bike soon take care
Could do something Saturday if you fancy Whitey.

Have pulled out of going to the International due to shortage of funds & don't think two days on the lash in Cardiff is wise use of what little I've got remaining. want to try out my new HD stealth camera. After the last failed attempt I've got a new mount that screws into the mirror stem recess so the screen shouldn't obscure its view. only trouble is new camera takes a micro SDHC memory card which hasn't arrived yet.

ye i can do saturday mick but like stix says would like to get back to watch the game so if we start about 10 or 11 ish could have a few hours and still watch the game but i think its give rain for tomorrow im'e easy go anywhere leave it up to you if you fancy a spin let me know
I'm up for it. Will take the route I've been exploring over to cross gates, knighton, Craven Arms, Churchstoke, Welshpool then home. Only 100 miles so shouldnt take all day. Aim to meet at mine about 10.30 give me time to walk dog & collect bike from my lock up.
ye no prob see you at 10.30 where are you now mick are you by the petrol station
jUST on through the village, past the spar & wynnstay Station grill car park then right just past the zebra crossing follow access road round to the back I'm down at the end by the garages. I'll have the bike outside. I'm 32 up on the top floor.

Have just done a met check weather giving cloudy but sunny.

Welly are you up for this if so get over to mine or we could go clockwise & pick you up en route.

Any other Shropshire / Border takers. what about you zippy??
Good to hear from you Evlin - hope you're on the mend asap and out hooning on your V4 :thumbup:thumbup:cheers
gilo xxxx fanks....i will be in wales asap will let you lot know........we can have a welsh cake n bimble about, hmmmm bimble sounds a bit gay lol
gilo xxxx fanks....i will be in wales asap will let you lot know........we can have a welsh cake n bimble about, hmmmm bimble sounds a bit gay lol

I'll look forward to it :yes I expect bay will tag along so bimble sounds about right :lol