Wales forum meet 7th April 2012

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It's where your chip fell off...

welly glad yer not to badly beaten up, still sore as feck no doubt.:thumbdown

Shame aboot yer machine, sounds like it's gone down on one side then flipped onto the other.:no

tm, sounds like yer had a day that yer widnae want to repeat.:crazy

Overall it looks like it wiz a mixed bag fir the participants, am glad yer all back in one piece though and all enjoyed yer evenings swally session.:thumbup
I even pulled a wheelie overtaking a car in the damp conditions. Unintentional though. Accelerated in 2nd to overtake going up a hill hit a slight crest in the road and the front wheel came up in the air about a ft or 2. Didn't back off the accelerator though and it gently touched down. Had me thinking to myself did I just pull a wheelie. After we stopped had to ask whitey who was behind whether it happened or was it my imagination. It did indeed. My first ever wheelie in a forum ride out.

Really enjoyed myself but absolutely gutted for Newelly dropping his bike.
bay yer a feckin hooligan, and still drunk.:rolleyes
I think bay gets drunk on the thought of alcohol alone ;)

Well I got home & my wife (who normally never drink before 7) is on the vino! So she pours me a glass too. Lovely :thumbup
I think bay gets drunk on the thought of alcohol alone ;)

Well I got home & my wife (who normally never drink before 7) is on the vino! So she pours me a glass too. Lovely :thumbup

You're not on TWO bottles lambrini again are you? I've just spilt me Asti Spemanti....

welly glad yer not to badly beaten up, still sore as feck no doubt.:thumbdown

Shame aboot yer machine, sounds like it's gone down on one side then flipped onto the other.:no

tm, sounds like yer had a day that yer widnae want to repeat.:crazy

Overall it looks like it wiz a mixed bag fir the participants, am glad yer all back in one piece though and all enjoyed yer evenings swally session.:thumbup

I think the indicator came adrift when I had to manhandle the bike off welley as he was screaming like a stuck pig, it went into a ditch, raised up and came down on top of welley, so a bit of quick thinking was required.

I think that after a bath Pete is gonna struggle for a while, but will hopefully be OK, bike isn't as bad as it could have been.

Looking at the debris in the ditch he was not the first visitor.........

Top night out boys, looking forward to the next chapter, we may venture up North at some point this year
Cracking day (I couldn't ride today). Shame about the rain yesterday, but the route Bay put together was short but sweet. That roller coaster section was amazing, looking forward to riding it in the dry. Didn't get many photos unfortunately, just these two when we stopped off for a pint on the way back to Aber:


The night out was a good laugh, man I was proper pissed, necking all that red wine and then mulled wine with stix after a skinful of lager was not a good move, I was hanging this morning. My ride back down the Usk Road was the slowest I've ever ridden it, mind you I was struggling to see straight!


Stix's monster dump in the pub where it turned out he could hear me & Bay bickering through a vent in the wall.
Everyone swearing like troopers in the Thai restaraunt and me getting told off for swearing like a naughty school kid by the owner.
Bay standing in his back garden swaying and bouncing off the hedge as he was too pissed to stand up.
Bay taking about 20 minutes to manage to get his key into the lock.
Me and stix shouting and screaming like teenagers in Bay's back garden and no doubt seriously pissing off the entire neighbourhood.
Me and stix singing and dancing like mentalists in Bay's kitchen pissed right up.

Great fudabout - thanks to Bay for arranging it and putting me and Stix up for the night.

Hope you and your bike are on the mend soon Pete

Bay (ropey shirt as usual) and stix:

Whitey and Ash:

Me and Mike:

Me debating what curry to go for:

Whitey, Newelly, Ash:
Another quote of the evening

Mike to Bay

"So how long have you smoked a pipe Bay?"

And from Bay later in the evening

"I could f'n bench press a Tuono ... go on throw another one on and I'll do that as well"

Bastards ... went to great lengths to make me laugh and double up clutching my ribs.
That was an amazing dump, and quite bizarre that I could hear virtually every word you two said - freaky deaky.

I was plastered, remembered earlier that I bought you two a pint which bay refused to drink so I had to neck two.

Annoying that I can't remember anything when I am pissed, as I am sure I enjoyed us singing & dancing like loons (how the feck I danced with my dodgy ankle I don't know).





Hope your bike gets back to perfect for you Pete.
Stix - do you not remember the bizzarre haka thing we did? Had our faces about 2" apart and were shouting and grunting at each other?

Why? **** knows.
Stix - do you not remember the bizzarre haka thing we did? Had our faces about 2" apart and were shouting and grunting at each other?

Why? **** knows.

No?? Sounds idiotic so must have been me though.

That thai bird was not attractive - permanent grin was just wrong.
You're not on TWO bottles lambrini again are you? I've just spilt me Asti Spemanti....

Alright Liam!

No mate finished a white rioja and now on sauvignon blanc :thumbup

And I've got an all-dayer tomorrow. My poor liver. Again. If I thought I was nackered this morning god knows what Tuesday morning is going to be like :no
If we're going for quotes of the day it has to be Newelly 'i managed to get my knee down today at least'
Hello StiX, White Rioja, rare and cool! My latest find is Lidl for vino... personal buying advice is Nice Label, Deep Bottom (i still smirk at that).

sorry I wasn't on form yesterday, never even made the wedding i was supposed to go to, gutted!

Gladl is well, even if Mr Plod put a dampener on today.
Glad Newelly2 is OK.
Above all, glad your bowls move Ok and you can still eves drop!!!
Ash, thank feck yer know yer Onions mucker.:thumbup

Moto GP now.

19:35 Need to top up wae ra booze.

Jist spoke tae ma niece, she's away tae the far East tae start workin wae a shippin line.

Good luck Darling.
Giles I felt mega **** this morning, but you looked ******* awful ;)

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