Tuono, new or used?

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Dec 28, 2009
Gimel, Switzerland
Hello to all of you out there. I have been lurking on this site for some time along with a few others aprilia forums as I have been in a two year process of buying a bike. I have currently a beemer that gets me back and fro from work but no sensations or better yet it's a tool for transport but not for pleasure. I have tested triumph street triple R, KTM super duke and SMT, 690SM ( all great bikes)CBR 600 rr, bmw HP2 and others.
As I am reaching my 40's and with wife and kids a straight out sport bike is not good for my personality as I tend to push the envelope with all that I do ( minus the gardening of course). Loved the KTM's and have always been a fan of twins, Super Duke is a brilliant ride but doesn't like speed limits below 80km so you would live with constant fear of speeding fines and here in Switzerland is NOT the place to get busted for speeding. SMT was my favorite but it's not a bike that fills you with pride as it ain't pretty and when you open the garage you need that estetic quality first and foremost,eye candy. The street triple R was absolutely great ride and could'nt find a fault but decided to give a 2006 tuono at a garage up the road a go before I laid down any cash. Within 10 meters I knew this was the bike I wanted.You just know when a bike is for you.
So now I turn to you tuono owners out there for some friendly advice.
I have found a brand new 2007 T with 10km or the 2006 T with 6000km that I test rode. Both garages are willing to give me a trade in on the beemer. The garage with the 2007T new says 4500chf off of 12900chf bike which gives me 8400chf out the door with two year warranty. As the price here for a new T is 18000chf+ it's a good price for a two year old new bike.
Second garage says they'll give me 3500chf off of 9500chf 2006 T with 6000km and full service before delivery which means 6000chf out the door and three month warranty.
Which one would you choose? Save 2400chf on an older bike and throw rearsets, cans, sprockets, mapping, etc at it or take a new 2007 for 2400chf more.
Thank you for your inputs as only yous out there can appreciate such a wonderful choice to make as it's all win win from where I am looking.
Cheers, jay
Me personally it would depend on the condition of the 2006T.

If that was nice i'd go for that.

I've only bought 1 new bike, my KTM 950SMR and it was nice, but after a week it's not a new bike. I also felt more guilty putting miles on the clock as it was a 0 mile bike :)

I'd buy the second hand one.

(although i'd also consider the 950smr if i were you :) )
That is a win/win situation dependant on finances. Think I would go for the older
bike and use spare money for lovely extras. You won't regret it either way....
Weeksy has a point, but then a new bike is just that - it's YOURS

A couple of points to consider -the 07 has an uprated engine and brakes compared to the 06, (and it's a better engine than the 09's :rolleyes)

The difference is slight (3bhp) - so I don't know if I would pay that much for it.

Regardless of which you buy, you will start wanting bits - exhaust cans, screen, Ohlins rear shock (a must on an R model) so it depends how much the feeling of a new bike is worth to you?

I just bought a new one, so I can't really vote for used, but given that choice I think the 06 would get the vote from my head.
Weeksy has a point, but then a new bike is just that - it's YOURS.

Problem for me was that that made me even more precious about dirt than before.

At least with a s/h one it has a few marks from stones etc so you don't mind as much when it gets marked :)
Problem for me was that that made me even more precious about dirt than before.

At least with a s/h one it has a few marks from stones etc so you don't mind as much when it gets marked :)

oh no???? who are we trying to kid :thumbup:thumbup
It's true about the bits and bobs as when I test rode the 06 I could immediately feel I wanted different rear-sets and a taller screen and the rumble a nice set of akras makes....!!!!
I must admit the 06 is spotless and needs for nothing but as you all may appreciate an 07 at that price is hard to resist but I would miss out on the service charges and depreciation and that's a fair bit a change.
Paint depth guage, Sun gun??? What a ****. He must never drive the ******* thing. Is he aware that he comes across as a TOTAL DOUCHE!!??

And I'll be that he's never gone down on his wife cuz it's to icky. Then again, any woman wouldn't put up with that **** and would have kicked his OCD ass to the curb.
I don't like cleaning bikes, bit do enjoy muff diving, but thats not much help is it bud?
Go for the 06.
You got to wonder if a guy and mates like this ain't living in a big pink closet.I mean you've got some serious supressed fetishes to obsess youself to the point of two guys with quality cameras photo shooting every cm of a vauxhall!!?? in a dump of a garage and actually contemplating a 1mm drop of paint as worthy of warranty work. He's got frosted hair too.... need we say more?
Yeah the 06 seems the safe bet.Save cash and throw some bits on starting with 15/42 and screen.
How can ANYONE get that excited about fecking Vauxhall Astra FFS???

There are some very strange people in this world. Anyway back to the OP, go for which you prefer , mate. You must have an idea which one you want. Stick to it.

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