Trackday pics

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Great photographs..very nice. As you say, you learnt alot and most of all had fun. Your getting some track mileage up now :thumbup Congratulations.
To Knee or not too Knee lmao Your style looks smooth in the photos..and smooth is fast. :biggrin
The first photo certainly shows the adrenalin rush by the vein in your neck :biggrin
It's funny how my vein is popping out huh :laugh
No idea what camera the trackphotographers use, but I'm sure they have some fancy lenses :)

By the way, I'm coming to the UK in September together with my boyfriend to do some trackdays there. We'll do Silverstone, Cadwell and perhaps Oulton Park. We first wanted to do Donington, but it got cancelled by Hottrax :(

When I know more I'll post a thread about it in the open forum :)

Sounds like a top holiday together Pumkin and some fine circuit riding time to top it orf...way to go!
wow pumpkin they are awsome photos you look great ......hope boyfriend doesnt see this lol
seriously tho,stunning pics,stunning lady.
how much would i love a mrs that not only can ride a big bike but looks like you and thrashes out trackdays too!!
best get me

does your lucky fella ride too,and whatbike does he ride madam?
Thanks guys :blush

Yes indeed, he's a genuine track-addict and even races this year :)
And he's got an '01 RSV ! :doug
I don't think I could have a bf who isn't into bikes, because it's sooooooo great to share the same passion..

Here he is at Silverstone last summer:

There's such a striking difference between the two of us riding (nearly) the same bike.. I look so tiny !!! :laugh Oh well.. I'm 5'8 and he's 6'5.. it's bound to be different.

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cool,6'5,he's like ruben xaus lol
both look very good riders and luvly bikes too.
plus you can nick parts of his,like race cans ect.
my wifes very into bikes but i doubt shed ever be abe to ride one.
she was on about doing her test and wanted a baby mille 125cc,but shes so fookn clumsy,walking is a trial for her.doh

you make a good couple.whens the wedding?
you can get married on your bikes and we'll all turn up!
cool,6'5,he's like ruben xaus lol
both look very good riders and luvly bikes too.
plus you can nick parts of his,like race cans ect.
my wifes very into bikes but i doubt shed ever be abe to ride one.
she was on about doing her test and wanted a baby mille 125cc,but shes so fookn clumsy,walking is a trial for her.doh

you make a good couple.whens the wedding?
you can get married on your bikes and we'll all turn up!

My bf just read this thread with a smile :devious

Nice move comparing him to Xaus, it's the only Spanish guy he loves :laugh

I agree we make a good couple, but we're not the marrying kind.
I never wanted to anyway :dunno
We're moving in together in October, so that'll be a first big step :doug

I can't help but feel sorry for your wife though! "Walking is a trial for her"??!! , auwtch !!!!!!!
Pumpkin - great pics, nice style too. Know what you mean about thinking you're doing it fine and then the photos tell otherwise :biggrin
I've notdone a track day, but recently attended an advanced skills course, where the instructor showed us how to ride corners by putting weight forward and to the side, whilst hanging off. My how he laughed when we all went out to try the technique, as, like you, we all THOUGHT we were doing it, but actually weren't (he demonstrated how much we were hanging off/positioning body etc, and we all laughed too :biggrin)
Mind you, I don't think we looked as stylish as you & your man. I like Ruben too by the way, he kinda reminds me of Kevin Shwantz, who I used to love watching - such entertainment both of them !!!
Keep on tracking, and I hope you have a ball over here in the UK on your hols. I'd definitely recommend doing Oulton Park. It' s the closest to me, and my wife & I have been a fair few times to watch BSB & Touring cars. It's a brilliant and technical track, set in wonderfull contryside, you'd have a blast I'm sure. I would suggest joining you for that day, but I don't have any leathers (shocking I know, but being an all year round commuter have had to spend my reddies on textile stuff). Must get some soon though as a track day would be great fun I'm sure.
By the way, when you're over here, try some of the delicious roads around Shropshire & Wales, but do them early morning when no one is about - you & your loved one (and yer man :nana) will need nothing else but a good hearty breakfast to make a perfect morning together.
Cheers, and congrats on the wedding :thumbup fnar fnar :biggrin

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