get this, the new bikes got a disconnected cat 1 alarm, so a telt the insurance a had it,cos ahve no got the certificate for fitting the ***** charged another 75 quid, a telt her ahve never had an alarm on **** aw an never paid mair than 170 in ma life, ahm noo paying 230 for this wan, she said all companies have different policies regardin it, fair enough a says, so tells me , how come the fechter costin me nigh on 12k was insured for 150 fully comp wi protected no claims, from RSA and they werent bothered aboot any security, an this is 230, an insisting on it, again she replied every company has diferent policies,,,, oh aye a says,,, how come both bikes are insured wi the RSA,,,,,, HER REPLY, DONT KNOW, YOU CAN CANCEL YER POLICY IF YE LIKE, BUT WE'LL CHARGE YOU 50 QUID,,,,******* ******S