An interesting post with some good lessons for other riders on here. Im once again glad to hear of someone who has survived their (what my dad called) 'Wake Up Call Fall'. It sooner or later happines to all riders. You were particularly lucky and im betting the local bike shop sales man will have no problems selling you a good lid, armoured leathers and back protector.
I was always told that it was not a case of if I fell off, but when.
On this basis my dad used to tell me that unless I could afford full leathers, good quality lid, good quality gloves and armour, I could not afford the bike. His words rang through my head when 2 years after I got my first real bike (Yamaha RD400) I dumped it into a fence. If I had not been wearing a padded leather jacket the damage would have been far worse. I was a teenager then, but ever since I have always bought the very best of clothing.
Its good to know that you are enjoying rebuilding the bike, although its an expensive passtime, rebuilding your bike will bring you both closer, your realionship will be renewed. You will become one with the mille. Seriously, its a great way to appreciate the build quality and the only way to properly setup the bike to suit you.
Chin up, go get some really good gear (and always wear it). Lesson learned.