Temperamental Solenoid Issues....

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Mar 6, 2015
Wiltshire, United Kingdom
Hi All,

Argh, all I ever seem to do is come on here with problems - first let me just say I have just got back from the IOM TT and the bike was absolutely epic and turned heads wherever she went....

Secondly, I replaced the solenoid a few weeks back with an Aprilia Performance one, however I am having issues firing her up sometimes. I'd ride to the shops, turn off, go in and come back out, go to fire her up and electrics come on, fuel tank primes, press the button and nothing but a quiet whiring noise coming from under the tank with a click from the solenoid. The click would indicate the solenoid is bust, tried bridging the terminals on the solenoid but still nothing. I had the bike recovered home after this incident and she fired up the next day with no issues :confused:confused:confused:confused its happens twice now :roll

Not really sure on what to do, sometimes she fires up fine, sometimes I get this whiring noise with a click, any ideas?

Thanks in advance
Hmmm. I had something similar a while back. I looked at fuses, solenoids, relays. Ended up (although I didn't know at the time) that my ignition switch was filthy inside and the springs were worn. Removed the lower electrical part of it (pain in the backside to do as its tucked away tight in there under the top yoke), stripped it down, cleaned it and 'stretched' the springs which operate on the little brass contacts. Result was an ignition switch which was like brand new. No issues with starting since. I'm not saying that is defo your issue but it could be worth looking at even if its just to eliminate the possibility. Weird though, that even if you bridged the terminals that nothing happened as that usually indicates a completely knackered solenoid. But then as you say, it started fine the next day? Strange!!

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