Sticky Throttle??

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May 28, 2012
Hi Guy's,

I've been having issue's with my 04 Tuoldo.

1st is when i drop off the throttle the rev's stay on slightly and come down slowly, so i dont get the engine braking im used to and its a pain to try and change gear, as soon as i let the clutch out the bike pulls forward. What i have to do is pull the clutch in change gear and wait till the revs have gone down so i can let the clutch back out.

This is only an intermittent fault, doesnt do it all the time, but when it does happen it continues until i turn the bike off, i've had the throttle cables off and lubed them, they are free, the grip is fine, i have to quickly close the throttle to stop it revving so much. I've had the renegade airbox off several times to check for any air leaks and everything seems fine.

I've lubed all the connections and spring pulley's i can find on the throttle bodies, i'm now stuck as to what the problem is?

2nd i've got oil coming out of the small breather pipe/small air filter on the renegade airbox, i've asked Griff about it and he said it's just a build up of oil in the rear cylinder, but everytime i take the bike out, i have to lift the tank when i get back to clean the oil off the air box and the inside of the tank, doesn't affect the bike it's just annoying and could be a bigger problem maybe?

Any ideas on how to fix either problem?

Or should i just go see Griff and get the boy's to sort it out.

Not sure about the oil.

But it sounds like a routing problem with the throttle cable.

Or the twist-grip is a bit sticky - take it to bits & make sure it spins easily on the handlbar end.

If you take the twist-grip off & work the cable, does the throttle snap shut ?

Could be a frayed cable ?

Not sure about the air leak - unless its between the throttle body & the head.
Would an air leak in the air box cause this problem ????
Its intermittant - possibly not.
br, check oot yer TPS (stepper motor) mucker, it might be faulty and if it is it might give you the kind of throttle response yer experiencing.

Fir the oil as long as yer not got to much in there a huvnae a clue. ???
br, check oot yer TPS (stepper motor) mucker, it might be faulty and if it is it might give you the kind of throttle response yer experiencing.
The bike is a Gen1, no stepper motor.The Gen1 has a manual fast idle lever.Have you checked the cable is'nt snagged on something or stuck?
have you left a couple of mm free play in the throttle cables/grip if there 2 tight it wont let your throttle snap back..
stick a small catch bottle on your breather pipe and hide it inside the bellypan:thumbup
The bike is a Gen1, no stepper motor.The Gen1 has a manual fast idle lever.Have you checked the cable is'nt snagged on something or stuck?

br, sorry fir the bum info mucker.
I had exactly the same prob on the throttle, gapping the plugs cleared it for me. Sounds mad but you are riding italian.....plugs should be 0.6-0.7 if memory serves me. Mine were at 1.1 and it caused all sorts of jerkiness nearly throwing me off the back as it pulls forward the way you describe.

Not being a smart arse but have you checked the oil level once the engine is properly hot (15 to 20 min ride hot) and the bike stood up level? you get oil blowing up there if the level is too high.

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