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+1. Good tyre, but may go for road 2's next time for longer life

Do the 2s last longer then? Starting to consider what pair to go for as I'll need some soon.

Like the idea of the dual compound due to having to do 50 miles of riding before the twisties, so harder in the middle and stickier on the outside sounds ideal.

But want something long-lasting. With my **** cornering don't need super-sticky ;)
Theres michelin pilot powers on mine at the moment but I'm eith going for pilot road 2's or metzeler z8 interacts next did have a set of pirelli angels next but ended up selling them to a m8...
New Sportsmart on Monday replacing similar £159.00 fitted wasn't best pleased as was only about £140.00 last time round. 2500miles achieved shall be reshodding front & back next time with something a bit cheaper for sure.
Dunlop Sportsmarts on mine absolutley the best tyre i have tried with pressure set at 31f / 35r psi.


A realy good tyre.
Oooo,a tyre thread.:rolleyes
Pirelli Corsa 3's on mine and very happy with them.
I thought road 3's were the next forward revolution to the road 2's and outperformed them
On grip in wet conditions and distance
A've got them pirelli diablo rosso corsas, am confident wae them but they don't last.
I thought road 3's were the next forward revolution to the road 2's and outperformed them
On grip in wet conditions and distance

They are , but the CT2's are cheaper at the minute and I don't know that many people that will need the extra grip. :thumbup
I had a Dunlop Sportmax Qualifier RR until this weekend and now have a new pair of the Dunlop Sportmax Qualifier II - only managed 70 miles so far so not scrubbed in yet but so far, so good.
Not a fan of Pilots. Had Rossos and liked them. Now have Metzlers z8 interact - a sport touring tyre and really like 'em - very responsive with good levels of grip wet and dry.
I have BT016s ATm, a very good tire, but just doesn't do the mileage ( I liked mine in 1500 miles... :|) Next up are some Corsa IIIs dual compounds!
Dunlop Sportmax 4700 miles to date and still looking good - great in wet or dry conditions great value even if you have to pay more than other makes miles per £ hard to beat
also got sportmax fitted but only got 3,700 before changing
also got sportmax fitted but only got 3,700 before changing

Gues I must ride like an old man especially on the twity bits :dunno...................oops! Forgot I am an old man:bawling...............ah well at least my biking costs me a lot less:thumbup

Still class myself as a novice as only been riding since 2007

I reckon I will get another 1000 miles before I need to change the rear
Do the 2s last longer then? Starting to consider what pair to go for as I'll need some soon.

Like the idea of the dual compound due to having to do 50 miles of riding before the twisties, so harder in the middle and stickier on the outside sounds ideal.

But want something long-lasting. With my **** cornering don't need super-sticky ;)

Pilot powers are good price at M&P's Swansea Stix.I would have gat a pair but my front was brand new at end of October & they didn't reccomend me mixing tyres so opted for the Dunlop.Othyerwise thats definately what I'd have gone for £160.00 a pair. Thats a good deal I think.Alsohad Pilot sports which is what I used to use never had any mis haps with them either & would also consider giving thema bash I do know that I've had higher mileage out of them than any of the Dunlops I've tried and never had problems with grip. Would also maybe suit you as you commute to & from work a bit. Doubt you're caning it then unless trying to vent your anger before lessons begin.
Sportsmarts here - great tyres, no plans to try anything else at the mo. I got just under 4000 miles out of the rear.
Ah ok Tricky that's a good price. Hoping I won't need to swap for a while but I'll keep my eye on that cheers :)