rsv zone fleece

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I guess beanie will have the fleeces sorted once he returns? getting cold so a fleece would be tops
Bad boy's right, Hello Kev, the fleeces were done over a year ago by several members on the forum, little1uk sorted mine, Hello Stew, and I must say the quality was top notch, but I didn't know why they died a death until now. Maybe it's time to try again (anybody) what with a record number of members to the forum. I know there was talk a few months back about getting forum merchandise up and running but it seems to have all gone quiet again.

SPOOKY :ghostface
Bad boy's right, Hello Kev, the fleeces were done over a year ago by several members on the forum, little1uk sorted mine, Hello Stew, and I must say the quality was top notch, but I didn't know why they died a death until now. Maybe it's time to try again (anybody) what with a record number of members to the forum. I know there was talk a few months back about getting forum merchandise up and running but it seems to have all gone quiet again.

SPOOKY :ghostface
Hello mate,how ya doin,my fleece is still ok(the directors cut)yeh baby..:thumbup:thumbup
I was on a charity ride last weekend and i saw 3 chaps wearing RSV zone fleeces. I want one :rant:rant:rant
i've got a clubaprilia tshirt but i'm not that impressed with that site. This one is better. Want something from here really! What do you get if you become a site supporter?
Ok just skimmed over this thread but with regards copyright, CrashTD owns the Zone names (yes I know we've been over this a hundred times) and as with any company (be it website or shop) the owner MUST be contacted and asked for his/her (no crash I'm not suggesting you're a big jesse ;) - just have to be PC these days or get me arse kicked :D ).

So to recap class ...................................... ask crashTD ............. & don't forget to read chapters 4 to 6 of the theory of relativity for our next lesson

Deacs :thumbup
My Mate could do this if anyone is interested ? He owns a company that can brand or put a logo on anything you want. I don't want to tread on anyones toes though :dunno
well until we get something sorted, what king of price could he do for a say black fleece with Aprilia logo and my name on MB?
well until we get something sorted, what king of price could he do for a say black fleece with Aprilia logo and my name on MB?

He wouldn't be able to put the Aprilia logo on as that would infringe Aprilia's copywright.
no worries then bud, ill wait to see if anything happens with the zone stuff.

cheers anyways
so does that mean putting rsv on it would also infringe copyright we can all walk around with tea shirts with ZONE on them:nana

just messin pal
so does that mean putting rsv on it would also infringe copyright we can all walk around with tea shirts with ZONE on them:nana

I believe there could be a problem from Kawasaki lawyers cos they got there first with Z' ONE :jack

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