right side of dashboard not working

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Oct 16, 2018
Noob here, Hello everyone, I have recently purchased a 2001 Aprilia Mille. The right side of the dashboard does not function after the initial computer check. During the initial computer check, it shows the coolant temperature and the clock. Almost immediately the coolant temp and clock disappear and the word "diag" with the number 1 below that appear and remain for the entire time the engine is running. ( It worked only once, during the time it worked, I was able to reset the temperature to F, and do the clock settings, it has not worked since that time.) Any thoughts on what could be wrong please?
you've got the dash in diag mode. Unplug the bullet connector under the seat on the right side and it will be normal again.
you've got the dash in diag mode. Unplug the bullet connector under the seat on the right side and it will be normal again.
Hi, Thanks for your suggestion, there are 5 connectors under the seat. I unplugged them one at a time, turned on the ignition, started the engine, and each time it was still in diag mode. I also tried unplugging two at a time, same results. Could my diag connector be in a different position?
I finally found the right connector tucked under some other wires. Thank you Spoonz, much appreciate your help.

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