First Post - Electrical Problems

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Feb 15, 2009
We picked up a not running 2001 RSV Mille 16,000 Miles as a Father/Son project. Initial results looked great, now so-so.
At purchase we observed instrument cluster was partially illuminated, and tachometer was "ticking" with key in "off" position.
1) Installed new battery - Got single "click" at starter relay when pushing starter button.
2) Installed new starter relay with new battery, and replaced blown 30 amp fuse next to starter relay (fuel pump) - Key on and fuel pump primed and bike started and ran/rode nicely for 10-15 mins.
(Tachometer was inaccurate and registered high)
3) At gas station to top off with premium, shut engine off with key and heard starter motor spin for split second. At restart, no power, no gauges, no electrical NONE.
4) Hauled home, hot battery, trickled battery, showed 7 volts, checked fuses under seat and at fuse box on right front of wind screen, all good.
5) Read Aprilia Forum and RSV Forum, regarding electrical problems Stators, Regulators & Rectifiers (R&R), and melting wires and plugs.
6) Planned to put new battery in this AM and start it to take Volt reading, suspecting R&R, however,
7) The new battery in, with key in "off" position, when leads touched contacts immediately starter tried to start (no fuel pump prime).
8) Turned "kill switch" to "off" position, ignition key in "off" position, same result.
9) Reinstalled the old starter relay and turned key "on", fuel pump primed, turned kill switch "on" without hitting starter button got a single "click".
10) Now removing plastics to observe wires, and plugs for heat/melting.
The ignition key and kill switch have no effect over the starting process as of today.
When key is in "on" position horn, blinkers, fuel prime, etc...., work.
Any suggestions short of taking to a dealer for a computer diagnosis?
Thank you
Feck thats a big first post matey :biggrin welcome to the forum firstly :thumbup

I'd check the stator is giving out the correct voltage to the regulator ( could be why your new battery went dead after a short while )

If the Regulator/ rectifier isn't giving correct output voltage then your tacho etc will not have the right voltage to work properly, and also could be frying your relays if it's too much voltage :dunno

I'm not a sparky but thats what i'd check first :eatcorn

Give fusebox / spoonz/ badger / legs a shout they seem pretty clued up and have longer experience with these bikes

good luck fella :thumbup
Any luck bigwake :dunno

Have you checked all earthing points :dunno a dodgy earth can cause umpteen spurious faults..
Perhaps he's seen the light and found another use for a gallon of petrol. LOL

I responded to his thread on AF1 Forum, sounds like he has major electrical gremlins, all possibly due to a poor earth connection/charging circuit failure.
There was a thread a while back about the starter working with the ignition off - might help if anyone can remember it as some of his symptoms sound the same.
That was the starter button, water ingress if I remember rightly.

The button often sticks itself and a little WD40 works a treat.
Something's off with the starter switch or melted/shorted wires associated with the system. I think it may have had an improper bath. Not all these connectors are water-sealed. Open, examine and clean all you find. If the problem presists, look for more. You can find a wiring diagram at, also here:
Started right up this AM and rode great for over an hour. Volts were 12.99 before starting and after shutting down for the day. Volts ran under 14.2 at peak.
We stopped and started a few times and it is running flawlessly with the only obvious problem the tach thinks that it is zero at 7,500 rpms. The starter has not decided to try to start without proper authorization, but I will heed advice to WD40 all connections including starter button.
I read a really good post regarding replacing the brown plug and will probably do it this week, as a preventative measure.
Sorry for the long-winded first post.
Started right up this AM and rode great for over an hour. Volts were 12.99 before starting and after shutting down for the day. Volts ran under 14.2 at peak.
We stopped and started a few times and it is running flawlessly with the only obvious problem the tach thinks that it is zero at 7,500 rpms. The starter has not decided to try to start without proper authorization, but I will heed advice to WD40 all connections including starter button.
I read a really good post regarding replacing the brown plug and will probably do it this week, as a preventative measure.
Sorry for the long-winded first post.

Don't know about af1 fella but there's an excellent write-up by our very own amb67 here :thumbup

wiring mod

don't apologise about your first post mate i was only joking there :thumbup
Mate, if you have electrical gremlins then this will come in handy.

PS. It's really a .RAR file so you'll may need to amend the file extension to decompress it.

If you get stuck PM me


  • Interactive Aprilia RSV Wiring Diagram (2003 MY).zip
    1.6 MB
Mate, if you have electrical gremlins then this will come in handy.

PS. It's really a .RAR file so you'll may need to amend the file extension to decompress it.

If you get stuck PM me

Thats fab :thumbup
I've sent a few other bits and bobs to the file vault too, just gotta wait for the mods to verify and allow them to be posted.

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