mine need the TB`s setting i will pop over
Midex, no problem at all M8 :thumbup. Keep an eye on the thread so you know when we confirm dates. Come on over the dreaded bridge and have a yarn anytime M8. There's no better person than Griff if you need to know anything on these machines, jesus he's just got back from Spain spannering for a race team, jammy bastard! If you do require any work done on yours, post it up on here for him so he can work out his itinerary or just come across for a chat.
SPOOKY :ghostface
my god phil !!
your only up the road dude!! i reckon i could collect you on the way!! hehe!!
seriously if you need your bike doin mate then youd be more than welcome at the workshop and or liverpool!!
be the bomb to catch up!!!
catchya soon!!!
i genuinely excited i are!!! summers comin!!! :thumbup