noise from engine help!!!!

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Aug 27, 2011
Hey guys first of all thanks for taking the time to read this.
Ive got a 2001 rsv1000 mille not the mille r with 13000 miles on the clock,
Still getting used to the bike as ive always bin an inline 4 man and used to work in a yamaha
dearship but never worked or rode a mille so its all new to me.
Thinking of tuning her up but got a few qestions first,
Just done oil and filter change but i seem to have a tapping coming from the front cyclinder,
maybe be valve clearnce????? right or worng????
Also when the bike is ticking over (ect at traffic lights)
I get a knock now and again but if i pull the cluch in it goes,,,,,, any help needed??????
The bike has got a 2 into 1 with a blueflame twin outlet,with chip to match and k&n filter in the air box and runing on map 2
any help please
thank you
no one can truely say with out actually hearing it but in most engines and discriptions taps tend to be light aka tappets/valves :) but the knock that stops with the clutch in could be the basket/clutch its self but without actually hearing it i wouldnt like to confirm it think the engines tend to be a little noisey but not rattle like a duke :)
I actually found my yamahas tappier.

Hope you find out what it is....

Doubt anyone would be able to help without hearing it. Maybe check members locations, and see if you can compare to another. although knocking definitely doesnt sound normal.

Give Griff a call (performance aprilia) sound guy and he didnt mind having a chin wag with me when I first got mine!
Good luck buddy!
thanks steve r
am i right in thinking griff is from tamworth? if so only about an hour from me
like u said i need to find one so i can compair
thanks again
its no where near as bad as a duke it could just be me being picky as i dont know much about them
but i dont think it is, sumthings not right just cant put my finger on it lol
thanks abolblue
p.s has any1 got griff number?????????? if so could u pm it me please
Just google performance aprilia, ring em and ask for Griff ;)
Yeah its in Tamworth i think.

Your lucky he`s bloody missions away from me!
You above or below him??
The duke is supposed to rattle ;)

If I were you I wouldnt ride it until (unless to griff) you speak to him, or another owner and get answers.
Tapping is one thing but knocking could prove expensive if ignored.

Still could be nothing! new bike paranoia! better safe than sorry mate, good luck, let us know when you find answers yeh :D
I heard your partial to babysham badger....


I'm a Jock, drink anything me, use it as a mixer with my Bruichladdich......................

in fact you have just put me in the notion for a dram of the stuff, back in 2...............................................................................................................................................................................................................
I'm a Jock, drink anything me, use it as a mixer with my Bruichladdich......................

in fact you have just put me in the notion for a dram of the stuff, back in 2...............................................................................................................................................................................................................

lol ...yams noisey? i used to get sick of peeps asking about the kwak rattle ...."yes yes its a timing chain...." all engines have there own qwerks im debating putting my baffles in so i can here the prilly's i just dont need the paranoia lol
Also when the bike is ticking over (ect at traffic lights)
I get a knock now and again but if i pull the cluch in it goes,,,,,, any help needed??????

Hi I get this on my 1999 Mille with 29K on the clock , I have had the clutch cover off and there seems to be some end float on the clutch/ shaft. I have read that this can be the basket itself, but to me it seems to need a shim. If you get a chance, see if you have the same. As mine is a track bike i'm not that bothered, but I'll look into it further if I get towards selling.

good luck

lol ...yams noisey? i used to get sick of peeps asking about the kwak rattle ...."yes yes its a timing chain...." all engines have there own qwerks im debating putting my baffles in so i can here the prilly's i just dont need the paranoia lol

Nah kwaks just have some nuts and bolts dropped down the plug holes at the factory. It the final stage of production :devious

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