***PLEASE HELP*** Fitted a battery charger now it wont start

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Nov 12, 2016
I hope someone can help

I have just bought a 2002 Mille gen 2 and thought I would do the right thing and fit an Oxford oximiser to keep my battery nice and topped up all winter.

I followed the instructions posted on another thread about removing the key first, negative then positive removed, lead added and, after a lot of fiddling, positive then negative back on. Got the bike out and it spun the engine over but not a single pop, but a tiny amount of smoke up from the engine each time it spins over (and so I stopped that very quickly!!)

I have taken seat and side panels off and checked every connection is secure and tight.

Please help as I am thoroughly p'd off at the moment having my dream bike for 3 weeks and buggering it up

If you have pics of what to do as Santa hasn't delivered my Haynes manual yet
2002 is a Gen1, Gen2 is 04 onwards.

Have you missed any wires when putting it back together?
Does it have an aftermarket alarm, or power commander?
Oops sorry yes you are right - it's a gen 1

Double checked everything
Being new to the make, how will I tell. Is that the short buzzing noise when the ignition is switched on?
Make sure you check all the easy stuff 1st. Make sure you didn't unconnected something. Double check all connectors (again) the previous owner could have switched out a connector and not crimped things well. You might have pulled a wire out of connector.
Also check the that the tip over sensor didn't get knocked off its tab.
Double check kickstand connections too.
Is there anything else you fiddled with?

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You won't believe this

Went out to shed to check battery was charging. Thought the best way was to try turning the engine over, expecting it to be be a little lazy but better than it was. That proved to be the case but after one turn over it burst into life (made all the dogs bark lol). How annoying.

Looks like I didn't do anything wrong after all

Thanks for all your help guys. I am considering getting a mini starter booster as they are so small now to pop in my riding suit pocket just in case

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