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gearboxes have always been a weak point on r1's,had thesame on my 98 model and 2002 model.
the 98 was the much better bike imo tho,i was very sad and dissapointed the day i traded my beloved 98 in for the brand new model.
missed the looks,carbs,power delivery of the original sooo much.
id still like to pick up an original 98 red and white r1,but theyre nearly as dear as the newer models now in good nick.
well mine was 29,000 miles when my Bro decided to throw it down the road, gearbox was clunky, especially in first to second, ut apart from that was superb

must of been lucky

There's no rhyme or reason to what the mileage is..Some go at low mileage others at higher..Some not at all..Suppose like any vehicle they will have an achilles heel, and that's there's..
mines t-bone steak and cigs and caffreys and bikes and women

Eating anything and wine mine..Women? Ahhhhh NO NO NO..I can feel my wallet shrinking already. (I said wallet, honestly some people) :thumbup

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