my busy ness trip to Isle of Man

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Oct 7, 2010
Just back from the Isle of Man after a series of meetings with our man out there / his clients

"If you fancy borrowing one of my bikes and for me to lead you on a lap of the (37 mile) TT circuit ... bring your kit"


"Yes ... ok then ... that sounds good"

I'd never met this guy before ...

He's got 5 x stunning bikes and decided to let me loose on an MV Augusta F4


He was on a Ducati and by **** can he ride!

He told me that out of town there are no speed limits but in town ... there are and you have to be careful ... which is why when we went through Douglas at 85mph in a 30 zone and sped past a lolipop man so close and so fast that his lolly must have spun I was a little "surprised"

Out of town and when I saw him shift his body in readiness for a lh bend and go round with his knee planted on the deck I knew I was out of my depth

Bearing in mind the thing he'd leant me is like a fookin F1 bike and I was already shitting mesen.

Hes fitted and mapped a full titanium race system with no baffles and it sounds like an F16 on steroids ... very addictive ... but the noise confused me for the first 15 mins as at 4ooorpm I thought I must be doing a gerzillion mph = disappointment to see 40-50mph on clock!

Get up to 10,ooo rpm and its a white knuckle experience ... it goes fookin berserk!

Up and onto the mountain part of the circuit and I cannot believe how tight the bends are.

I was going round them at maybe 50 - 70mph ... my host was undertaking me at probably 100 - 120 with his bike almost horizontal ... then dropping back to **** me again.

He has in the past clocked an average speed lap of the TT circuit of "around 100mph" ... which is bloody fast!

Coming out of one 90 degree bend onto a straight bit (where the proper TT bikes hit 190mph) with me tucked an and accelerating nicely past 125mph he once again tore past me and absolutely left me for dead doing what must have been 160mph ... and he went round the soft right hand bend AT THAT SPEED while I sat up and tried to shed speed before Mr Death shook my hand.

Of all the places I've been ... I would most certainly like to live in the Isle of Man.

The climate isn't like the Channel Islands but the peeps are lovely, there are some fabulous hotels, restaurants and bars ... max 20% personal tax. No corporation tax.

And you can ride like a loon without fear of plod.

Having said that ... 4 of his mates have had horrific smashes including one who lost an arm.

Would I buy an MVF4?


It's far too difficult to ride and you are so tippy forwards that you feel like you are in the middle of a head-over-heels before even setting off

Silky smooth gear box

Light clutch (uprated maybe cos it really was light)

Stunning brakes

Another huge difference of course was the lack of engine braking

Host commented after "it must be like riding an electric motor after a big V-twin"

He also said "I rode it well" ... so I know he is a big fat liar liar pants on fire!

Has my opionion of TT racers changed?


I thought I had an iota of an understanding of what must go through their heads

Now I am at a loss ... they are mental ... gods? Yes... mental gods
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Sounds like you had a good time with a thoroughly decent chap Newelly lad, nice one :thumbup
What a great write up mate. So if the boys average the course at about 120 plus and in 13 minutes what do you think you could complete it in and average.
Looks like you really dropped on a good un there newelly.
would love a wiz round there some time myself, especially when its not TT week and the roads are quieter
Of all the places I've been ... I would most certainly like to live in the Isle of Man.

The climate isn't like the Channel Islands but the peeps are lovely, there are some fabulous hotels, restaurants and bars ... max 20% personal tax. No corporation tax.

And you can ride like a loon without fear of plod.
Nah yer would'nt.
Yes there are many top events on the IOM,like the TT,Manx GP,Southern 100,Manx car rally,etc,but away from them,there is absolutely **** all to do,especially in the winter.Ive been many times and got friendly with a few locals.Its a little known fact that there is a high suicide rate on the island,the fookin place drives yer nuts.Little things piss you off,like no newspapers because the 'plane cant land.Nowhere else the go,unless you fly or ferry to the mainland.Away from Douglas,the rest of the place is a bit rough.We stayed in Ramsey once,....the place was dead at night and most pubs were shitholes.We had to ride the 13 miles back into town to get any action.
Most of the roads away from the TT course are narrow and bumpy as fook.Do not dismiss the Manx Police either,...they are VERY strict,especially on drnk/driving and speeding in towns etc.I got caught there and was fined £10 for every mph over the limit.I believe they add points to your license these days too.
Your mate must have done the 100mph lap on closed roads or a bullshitter.I'd say its damn near impossible to do a 20 min lap on open roads.My mate and I used to get up at first light to break our own lap records.He was a national class racer and his best attempt was 40 mins.I was some 5 mins slower.(But I did have to stop for the traffic lights at Ballacraine,.....ahem!!)
Yep,the IOM is a beautiful place to visit and ride around,....but I would'nt like to live there.
I used to go there for work as well. Always in the winter. I only managed a run round the course in a bloody Honda something hire car. Would have loved to have an experience like that, but I fear my bottle has gone the same way as my hair. I agree with KB about the place though, it's a bit depressing when there's nothing on.
Lassies like to walk around wi feck all on when it's -3 and lashing. That was the only entertainment I saw in the whole week. Lots of scraps, and loads of pished people. Anywhere is fun when yer visiting, especially when you get a trip like that.

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