Well, it's 11:40 PM (sorry neighbours!) and my baby has just given me three, strong, sharp, instant, graunchless starts.:doug
I'll give her a better testing tomorrow but things look encouraging.
The BM clutch was engaging the wrong way. I'd just assumed it would be right but when I sat down and worked it out having stripped it again (and given a clue by the merrily whirring starter motor) it was definitely wrong.
I'll give Royston a ring tomorrow – he sounds like he knows his stuff so maybe I ordered the wrong part (he just told me F650) or he fits it the other way round.
So don't completely give up on the fabled BM cheap sprag yet!
Kiwi was joking about turning his rollers round – but that's exactly what I've (very carefully) done and it seems to work fine. Yes I've probably shortened the life of the retaining spring by stretching it a little to get them out but I'll live with that.
I even managed to salvage the 50-quid oil using the wife's best jam making pan (the only thing clean and large enough to get it all in) – good job she was out. I cleaned it as best I could but those old biddies down the WI are in for a flavoursome treat next time she enters the preserve of the year contest. “And first prize goes to Mrs Reeve's Damson and Silkolene Marmalade, with its subtle hint of oil seal and overtones of instant gasket.”

Thanks a million to all of your who have offered help and advice (Kiwi, AMB, Spoonz et al) – hope I won't have to ask you anything else for a while!:thumbup
I'll post up any more info on the BM part if I get it, plus a couple of tips and stuff I learnt along the way.