Jacking front end up?

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Oct 31, 2008
Hampshire UK

I'm gonna strip the bike down today and have a look at my head bearings.

I have a rear paddock stand and a front headstock stand, but obviously to strip the front end it needs to be supported some other way.

What do you guys use to support the front?
Car jack on the engine block/exhaust down pipes?

I haven't even taken the lower fairings off yet so i dont know whats down there ao looking for some advice.

I use a ABBA stand which supports the bike centrally, if you had roof rafters in your garage you could tie a rope to your handlebars and take the weight off the front wheel then.

I've never done this btw, but thats what i'd do if i was going to attempt it :dunno

I suppose using a car jack under the engine would be ok, i'm sure someone else who's done this will be able to advise better than me. Just be careful if you do use that method as the bike will be unsteady if you start ragging things about.

Good luck :thumbup
Last edited:
front stand

Hi Badger

I`ve posted some pics in my profile/ album under "socket".

It cost all of £2-50 but works very well and very stable

mmm had a look at those abba stands 100 quid plus!
Think il just use some axle stands under the engine.

john, that socket looks good think il get the grinder out and give it a go.
Might have a go now tell you how it goes
mmm had a look at those abba stands 100 quid plus!
Think il just use some axle stands under the engine.

john, that socket looks good think il get the grinder out and give it a go.
Might have a go now tell you how it goes

Just grab one of those cheap spark plug sockets you have laying around your garage and attack it with an angle grinder.

Nothing to lose, but you'll save around £30.
I use a ABBA stand which supports the bike centrally, if you had roof rafters in your garage you could tie a rope to your handlebars and take the weight off the front wheel then.

I've never done this btw, but thats what i'd do if i was going to attempt it :dunno

I suppose using a car jack under the engine would be ok, i'm sure someone else who's done this will be able to advise better than me. Just be careful if you do use that method as the bike will be unsteady if you start ragging things about.

Good luck :thumbup

sprocker would the handle bars not need to be left free to move:dunno
go with the back stand then take bottom fairing off then get trolley jack and take it up slowly on the exhaust don't forget to free every thing off first if its any help:dunno
Hi Bader

The tangs need to be about 43mm apart and the socket deep enough to accept the steering column. I used a socket that removed truck wheel nuts, got it from a car boot sale. The tangs are 6mm bar from b and q. The driving socket an old 3/8 drive 22mm socket welded to the large socket. The abba stand is a good investment and you don`t need to remove fairings to lift the front end, use a wooded frame under the crash bungs. You can access all parts and remove the forks in no time. A pitbull stand supports under the steering head so you can`t adjust it. A lifting jack under the exhausts is not really very stable. You could also make a socket from some exhaust pipe, i think the steering stem is 35mm in diameter, so whatever you use must have a hole diameter larger than 35mm otherwise it won`t fit

Right thanks for all the great advice i think i got a plan.
Just stripped the bike down

Gonna jack it up here

(just inboard of the oil filter housing)
It looks strong enough what do you think?

Then use my axle stands to support the bike on my crash blocks, they should be strong enough.

Manufacture a socket as per Johns instructions. Then take front end apart. Change my head bearings. Might have the forks serviced, brakes done new pads and fluid change at the same time while I'm there.
Anyone see any problems with the plan?
Right thanks for all the great advice i think i got a plan.
Just stripped the bike down

Gonna jack it up here

(just inboard of the oil filter housing)
It looks strong enough what do you think?

Then use my axle stands to support the bike on my crash blocks, they should be strong enough.

Manufacture a socket as per Johns instructions. Then take front end apart. Change my head bearings. Might have the forks serviced, brakes done new pads and fluid change at the same time while I'm there.
Anyone see any problems with the plan?

have a look at the abba adapter for lifting the front end think it goe's under the exhaust:dunno
Hi Bagder

I you intend making a socket use the locking nut as a jig. Weld one tang on then the opposite tang. Clamp the socket, locking ring and tang toether and weld up. Repeat fo the other tangs. It doesn`t need to look pretty but it must be strong and accurate.


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